
By far one of the biggest harvests was the presence of the metal called Gravitonium as Kane could built a myriad of technologies with this. Gravitonium is extremely rare and can distort and change the rules of gravity. The best use would be in a weapon he liked to call the Black Hole Gun. It could have varying scales of destruction from ripping apart a single ship to a fleet or even a planet. It could also be used to redirect or attract things like comets or ships making a 'natural' disaster or orbital bombardment with no trace and being able to hold a ship in place for easy boarding. It could also be used in antigravity and artificial gravity technology as it changes gravity waves, although there were other substitutes for that which Kane would use, as there really wan't enough of the material to branch out and he would only be using it for weapons. The limits to the application of the gravity weapons was limited only by the user, as with the Stellar Furnace there will be more then enough power. It could be used, as it was in Kane's original dimension, to increase gravity on the surface or localized areas of planets thus killing the original inhabitants making acquisition of planets easy for example.

With how vital Gravitonium was to his plans, Kane set about purchasing the land that contained Gravitonium so he could safely mine it all without anyone bothering him as what he does on his own land is his business. The bonus of Gravitonium was that there were a lot of rare metals and gems in the surrounding vicinity as over the millennia the gravity waves given of by it helped form them. Kane swiftly began harvesting all the Gravitonium on the planet and in short order had the entire quantity of the world's supply stored in his codex without a single scrap anywhere else in the world.

With the materials gathered Kane began the next step of his plans. That was namely to construct ships, weapons platforms and another laboratory but this one had a different use then research.

Kane built yet another satellite and once again deployed it in space the usual way via teleportation, but this once was not to gather data but to fly to the dark side of the moon in the solar system and begin constructing a huge facility. The facility was massive as it was built to be a colony, port and shipbuilding hub for Kane and all of his future space operations. It was built miles underground to help with both the defense and concealment to avoid sensors and the like from other races and no satellites from Earth would be able to detect anything visually or thermally. It also had the best technology that Kane could currently create and was bristling with defensive weapon emplacements, cloaking devices and shields. Out of the many weapons emplacements built only two where with the Black Hole Gun as that was all that Kane could allow, as the rest were slated for the ships. The other weapons were standard energy weapons built around lasers and plasma based weapons, both as concentrated beams capable pf slicing things apart and rapid fire shots which are good at everything but really excel at dealing with fast moving things like missiles or fighters as well as rail guns. These rail guns are not quite what people of Earth would be used to as they could fire a metal slug at half the speed of light to penetrate and obliterate anything it comes into contact with. The Terran Space Empire designated them as Magnetic Accelerator Cannons or Mass Drivers as they did exactly that, utilized magnetic power to throw a huge mass at something. The shields could cover not just his base but the of the whole moon, as it would be kinda pointless having a well fortified base if the rest of moon was blown away. To outside appearances nothing had changed and the moon was a lifeless barren rock orbiting Earth but in actuality it was a formidable outpost. It was also built to be self sufficient as with the cloaking devices should anything happen to Earth then the human race would have a last bastion and be able to live out undetected while we gathered our strength for a comeback or just to flee elsewhere for a new home.

After the nanites had been released from the satellite to build the outpost,it left to travel to various other asteroids to deploy more nanites. This was to build a detection web of satellites and defensive weapon emplacements that would also be hidden until activated. This would ensure nothing could sneak into the system undetected and would be targeted for extermination should it prove to have hostile intentions. The weapons were mostly energy weapons with mini Stellar Furnaces so they wouldn't have to be rearmed and could just fire until destroyed. They were rigged to blow should something come too close which was a bit of a problem as that would leave a defensive hole, but at the same time it would hopefully take out whatever was that close. It would more importantly, stop anyone trying to obtain the technology, which Kane thought was the more pressing matter and a worthwhile trade off.

With the moon base under construction and a large supply of materials to build the ships when

it was ready, Kane turned his attention to what could potentially be the single most important or equally utterly useless facility Kane would construct; the new lab.

The use of this lab was for one thing and only one thing and that was to ensure Kane's survival. It was something that he had put a great deal of time into researching and improving upon some of his original dimensions technology so that it would be able to clone him completely. That was to say it would have a copy of his consciousness up until the moment that he had died as it was only an energy pattern when it all boils down to it and can be stored and transferred like any other energy. The cloning process was more akin to a regrowing then cloning and as such it would not have the genetic markers that a clone would have. Essentially at the moment of his death a copy of his consciousness would be created and stored for a new body to be regrown and transferred over to allow him to live again. This would only be used if he died and if he played his cards right that would never happen. Hence the reason why it would be very important as it enabled him to live again but if he never died then it would be like an ornament, sitting around looking pretty while collecting dust. The only problem was and it was a major problem was that it was all theory and while the theory looked solid, unless it was actually put into practice then the results would always remain a question mark. Naturally Kane was in no hurry to test it out as that required dying and that was something everyone should avoid doing. The machines worked individually for different things but to repurpose them and combine them all for this grand undertaking was something that sent shivers down Kane's spin. Still, mankind and science wouldn't have gotten anywhere unless that first person took a risk and this was Kane's risk.

The question is where to build the lab. It would undoubtedly be safest in America as that was where he had set up everything and would be under the best guard. However America has always been a hate magnet for the rest of the world mostly due to jealousy so there is a possibility of it being nuked or something but his defenses should prevent that. The other outcome would be planetary annihilation and it wouldn't matter what country it would be in as they would all cease to exist. Against his better judgement Kane decided to build two such labs one under his moon base and one under his current headquarters. Eventually he would of course have to relocate one to another planet to be extra safe.

With all of Kane's plans put into motion the only thing left to do now is to oversee and wait for completion of everything. This freed him up to check on the current political situation among other things. Japan's imperial ambitions were matched by Germany's desire for "living space" and Italy's dreams of glory. Britain's appeasement encouraged Adolf Hitler's schemes, while the USA remained sunk in isolationism. It seemed as though World War two is on track to happen and all it would require is for someone to light the match. Even if political leaders were assassinated there would be others to take their place. It has happened before in history when current leaders are killed and to honor them the next leader continues on with the same policies and ideas. Although that is usually the excuse sometimes it is easier to stick to it or one is forced to then to change things. Besides Kane wanted the conflict to happen as it would enable so many other things so while he wouldn't pour oil on a smoldering fire to ignite it he would also not do anything to stop it either. Towards that end he was a businessman and it was time to capitalize. With that idea in mind he decided to showcase the new design he invented in this world; the first advanced and practical, functional helicopter.