Military Service

The wheel of time continued to turn and so as time passed so to, things had inevitably changed. Kane could not seem to get hold of Abraham Erskine whether through letters or phone. After speaking to Howard Stark to see if he had any luck the answer was a no but that he promised he would look into it. However just before Abraham had stopped contacting either of them, he had mentioned that after a breakthrough a few years ago he was now about to have another and was expecting to complete his life's work. Kane suspected that he had closed himself off from the world to complete his work as that is what he would have done. He has done it before and will most certainly do so again in the future.

Howard was of the opinion that something might of happened and Kane couldn't rule out that possibility, as while his work wasn't complete every country in the world would to own it. Of course Kane could put out far superior work no matter whatever it was so he only came to the idea of foul play after speaking with Stark.

He currently had his own problems as the second world war had officially started when Germany had invaded Poland with a three-front Blitzkrieg on September 1st 1939 with a combined force of over 1.5 million troops strong backed by tactical aircraft in the sky and mobile armour on the ground. Ironically enough the Blitzkrieg was an English idea but was thought it wouldn't actually work so they never put it into practice yet the Germans proved otherwise, as it was devilishly effective. For the second time in barely more than 20 years, Europe was at war.

This wasn't what Kane had problems with as he was waiting for this moment and planned to capitalize on it. No, what he had problems with was the American government. Apparently they got it into their collective heads that his technology was so much more advanced then theirs so he must be part of an organization called Hydra and sent to America. This was so he could be a spy or agitator to stir things up on the home front and report information.

Kane had a lot of political favours which was also what worked against him as they were gripped in fear and the fever of nationalism thus to their eyes he was an insidious worm that had burrowed into the deepest layers of their country and was strapped with a bomb waiting to explode. This was further compounded by his relatively recent immigration. Add on the fact that he had a face off before with Bradshaw and refused both the senate and president, well the so called evidence circumstantial that it was, was damning.

They had no actual evidence and because of the benefits and taxes Kane's company gave them they didn't overtly move against him but he had noticed that doors very swiftly slammed shut in his face and they remained shut. He was under investigation several times but they never found anything as there was nothing to find and when they tried to manufacture things Kane used his technology to counter everything. Still things were tense and heating up every day. Things went on like this for several years and the situation was steadily growing worse. It was like an invisible pressure bubble was building up daily and like all bubbles it would eventually burst. Before this happened Kane finally decided to take action to negate that.

It wasn't as though Kane was afraid of the America government that forced his hand and made him take action, though that is what they think and he was disinclined to correct their erroneous thinking. What spurred him in to action was that he wanted to see the so called technical superiority of this Hydra organization first hand and loot the crap out of everything.

In war things have a habit of going missing be it gold, art or other valuable things. It has always been the way that the victor steals the losers possessions. Heck they never found the massive statue of Athena after Athens was sacked and nobody is quite sure what exactly happened to it. So too Kane wanted to get his hands on things to misappropriate, as well as personally recruit people. He still had an organization travelling the world recruiting orphans and other unwanted people but he could use this opportunity to do it himself and see the world from another perspective. This still wasn't the main reason that he acted though. The main reason that he acted was simple, he wanted to do so.

He was created down to the smallest particle in his body, born and bred for war and conquest. Every atom, every molecule and fibre of his body was engineered for it. All he had been doing for years was research and business and while this was of vital importance to his future plans, he felt that his skills were getting rusty even when he was training with the holograms and artificial intelligence's. With his genetic alterations and hyper metabolism it isn't as though he can get fat but still he felt bloated and stifled without any action or threat. There was also no other adrenalin rush other then fighting in a war where you could die at any moment and overcoming an opponent with superior skill and might. Plus bonds forged between people in war tend to stand the test of time.

With this in mind he contacted Stark to use his connections to arrange things. Stark wasn't happy at all that Kane wanted to participate in the war first hand and tried to persuade him to sit it out and come up with weapons and technology like he was. Kane however explained the situation and Stark reluctantly agreed, however there was another argument when he discovered that Kane wanted to join up as a common grunt rather then an officer, which with his intelligence he should be. Kane pointed out that the government already didn't trust him so they could hardly allow him to join up as an officer and he would be lucky if they even let him join up at all as they might think he was using this as an opportunity to flee in the chaos of the battlefield or contact his supposed German handlers.

Howard used his contacts and when that wasn't enough he used Abraham's to have Kane drafted into a special project named Project Rebirth which was being carried out by his organization the SSR or Strategic Scientific Reserve as that was it's official name.

It turned out that the reason that Abraham had not been contacting them was that he was kidnapped and forced to work for Hydra and after Kane had notified Howard that he couldn't contact him no matter what, he looked into it and discovered what had happened so they had mounted a rescue operation. They also used the fact that Kane was indirectly responsible for Abraham's rescue in their favour, but some people pointed out that he might have already known what was happening and this could be part of a long complex strategy but they were fortunately overruled.

Kane had handed his businesses over to the artificial intelligence that he had created to resemble him with a few differences so people might think they were family. The only glaring problem was it couldn't leave his territory to attend meetings and the like, so with there being no global network even as primitive as the internet then he missed out on quite a bit. Still it would do the job and hold down the fort until his return.

After a bit of wrangling, arm twisting and weeks of waiting Kane finally got the letter approving his draft and enlistment in the American Armed Forces. Stark had explained that he and Erskine had personally, deliberately delayed things to transfer him into the special project. This was to give him a fighting chance to transform, thanks to Erskine's formula and return back alive from the war rather then die as a cannon fodder in a list of names that grew daily, as he was their close friend and neither wanted to see him die so they did all they could for him. They both knew what had happened with the government and the thought of him being a Nazi spy was ridiculous, so it was obvious that someone or a group of people was targeting him and using this war as an excuse to deal with him.

He was acknowledged to be a fully qualified battlefield medic although he was put in the training camp and forces as a common soldier. What a joke, he had every medical certification around so he could have been a doctor in any position in the forces, but yet he was only given the authority to carry a medical kit with his normal gear and not even given the uniform to identify him as a medic. The uniform was important as it was part of the rules of war that medics were not supposed to fight or be targeted. Added the fact that the gear was a heavy enough weight with all the fighting and marching, coupled with extra weight from a medical pack clearly someone was still trying to make things difficult for him. Still Kane knew that it was his two friends looking out for him as well, as this was their way of getting him protected by the soldiers he would serve with as having a medic on hand could mean a lot of lives saved and having medical supplies on hand in case he was injured.

He had his own medical technology and equipment as well as several solutions of his enhancing formula and nanites so there was no way he would use something so primitive on himself but his friends didn't know that and he was touched but their concern so he didn't refuse their kindness. His enhancing solution could boost everything about a normal human and make them both superhuman and ageless like he was the first time it was used, but on him as he had already used something far superior and his genetic advancements it wouldn't do much if anything. It was for worthy people he found out there that could serve him and his cause.

In 1943 Kane was transferred to Camp Lehigh to begin his military training.