
Back at the barracks the new recruits were milling around in groups. The groups were because of background or similarities a bit like school where everyone formed their own groups. Looking around Kane thought it was pointless as the training is supposed to eliminate that and have them as a cohesive unit so eventually they will all bond, or at least that is supposed to happen. Sitting alone at the back after clearly being ostracized by everyone else, was a scrawny little man that looked as though he would be blown over by a stiff breeze. Kane decided to go and talk with him to see what his story was as he was likewise being ostracized by everyone because of his accent, it clearly marked him as an Englishman or a 'Limey' in their eyes.

Reaching the little man Kane held out his hand to greet him.

"Hey kid, the name is Kane Titan what's yours? How did you manage to get in the service as the recruiting officers are a bit of a stick in the mud when it comes to regulations?"

The man stood up to shake his hand and barely came up to Kane's chest as he did so.

"Hi, my name is Steve, Steve Rogers and I am not a kid I'm just small. It took some doing but finally I was given a chance to serve by a Doctor Erskine."

"Ah, Abraham did that for you huh? I wouldn't mention it so loudly though as the others in here will not be so tolerant or forgiving of someone getting in through the back door, I should know as I also entered in a slightly non standard manner." Kane smiled at the man opposite him.

"You did? How so?"

"Let's just say politics were involved and I had no choice but to join up to clear my name. I won't tell you more here and now as it is neither the time nor most certainly not the place. I know Abraham and if he wanted you to join up then he must have seen something in you, even if you are currently unaware of it. I won't ask the details of what went on between the two of you as it isn't my place though if you are comfortable to speak about it I will listen. I am sure you are aware of how difficult this will be for you because of your physique but if anyone causes trouble for you let me know and I will set them straight."

"Thanks for the offer but I don't need anyone to look out for me or to fight my battles for me. I can handle a few thugs and bullies."

"You misunderstand something. Everyone believes that we will be assessed tomorrow in training but we are actually currently being assessed even now. We were from the moment we got here. People like you will be picked on and singled out as it is an easy target, but if you show your mental fortitude and resilience it will go a long way to help you. In situations like this they can see who would make a good officer or at least squad leader so make sure to put on a brave front and your best performance. Further more we are in the army now so we will be fighting as part of a unit. Don't push help away as that might be the person who goes above and beyond to save you, if you are a friend as opposed to leaving you to die as you are only an acquaintance so the risks wouldn't be worth it."

"I hadn't thought that deeply about it to be honest. I guess I was focussed on the end goal of serving my country rather then the journey to get there. Still I can't see myself being friends with these guys no matter what I do."

"Well, you have me. The way I see it, if Abraham can vouch for you then that makes you worth my time. Even if everyone else snubs you at least you can say you have tried your best and really, is it really such a great loss to be snubbed by snobs? I have done martial arts before, kick boxing and boxing and so I have been in many fights before with many different people and let me tell you the small ones are the worse people to fight. No matter how many times you hit them they just bounce back up again for more. That requires a lot of tenacity and if you can outlast your opponent and be the last one standing no matter how much of a beating you took then you are the winner at least in my eyes."

"How did you get to know Doctor Erskine then if you don't mind me asking? You seem to know him pretty well."

"We got to meet at a science convention. Most people were ridiculing my theories and work but I got talking to Howard Stark and Abraham approached us while we were talking then we ended up talking shop over a meal. We became friends from then on and have worked together a fair bit."

"Well pardon me saying so but what the heck are you doing here? If you can stand on equal grounds as those two shouldn't you be in a lab somewhere or at the very least doing officer training? You are probably smarter then all the guys in here combined so you are a bit out of place."

"As I said before it has to do with politics. Basically I am too smart for my own good and they think I got my technology from outside sources, rather then the fact I invented it myself and that is all I will say on the matter. That is also why I don't care what they think of me, nor do I care to go for officer training as no matter how hard I work I am tarred with an invisible brush, with permanent marks against my name. I guess if you looked at it another way then it could show my mental fortitude struggling against the inevitable, but I have no need to as I am practically guaranteed to be selected here and even if I wasn't it isn't the end of the world."

"Well my father served in the forces before me so I joined up to honour his memory and legacy to serve as well. He was killed in action but from what I was told he died well. I hope to survive the war but if my number is up and I have to die as well, then I hope it will be something meaningful and heroic like him."

"To die well is about all most people can hope for I guess. As for a meaningful death, well that depends on how you look at it. You have joined the forces to fight in a war to stop a genocidal tyrant dominating the world, I would say no matter how you died it would be worth it for that cause. Or if you want something more close to home I think you are looking at it wrong. If you do a courageous and heroic deed and you are witnessed doing it that makes you a hero right? But what if you do the same thing but there is nobody around to witness it or everyone else is dead so nobody can tell your tale does that make it any less courageous? Or more courageous because you are alone? Heroism and bravery do not depend on people witnessing it and telling you so, it comes from within. When someone chooses to act rather then accept the status quo and turn a blind eye, that makes you a hero and it isn't something that can be demeaned or measured by a few words. So long as you know you have done your best nobody can ask any more of you."

"Huh, you really are quite smart and you have given me a lot to think about. You have a very unique perspective on things that's for sure."

It was at this time that a drill sergeant came in and bellowed for lights out and with that we all climbed into our bunks to sleep.

Some things never changed Kane thought as he stared wistfully at the retreating drill sergeants back. Even in Kane's time when in the military of the Terran Space Empire you always got bellowed at. It is almost as if they think you are deaf, which would rule you out of service so that would be impossible or that the louder they yell the more it reinforces their authority. There are two constants in any military Kane thought to himself. One is lots of shouting and the second would be hurry up and wait. It should be three with the third being lots of practice, either with physical training or weapons practice but some armies have neglected that before. Usually lead by foolish nobles who bought their way into the army for status with no idea what being a fighting man entails. Needless to say those armies were very ineffective and soon collapsed.

Dawn came and with it a new day, as the drill sergeants had them assemble outside ready for training.