This money can solve the chaos here.

"I am sorry Mam, it's just that I got tripped and the coffee was spilled over your dress" a timid voice came from the waitress.

"What...what you have just uttered...'it's just that'... and what will I do with your sorry? Do your sorry can compensate my dress. Do you even know whom you have offended, I'm Long Jie, heiress of Long Industries " Jie said in an accusatory tone.

Daiyu and Guang was ready to jump in between but Lifen signalled them with an expression that say 'give me the honor'. Then something expected but unexpected at this moment occurred.

A strong self righteous voice came making everyone to back towards the source. "And will the fact that you are Long Jie, the so-called heiress of Long Industries can turn a small mistake into a crime?" Lifen interrupted her with a disgust look.

"Who are you? " Jie said in a baffled tone.

"No one. I am no one if compared to you in your world of arrogance. No, no wait how can I even compare myself or anyone else to you, a girl with a lowly heart", she stepped forward towards her, "At this moment you can just think me as one different from this crowd, who can stand and ignore the tone your unreasonable attitude" she said while glaring into her eyes.

Jie wasn't able to collect her thoughts. Until today no one has interrupted her while she was scolding anyone. Less say no one has ever insulted her like this.

"Are you covering her mistake? " Jie asked while gritting her teeth out of anger.

"Exactly!! It's just a mistake which you are portraying like a crime. Since you know it'sa mistake then just let it go. It's not like you won't get another dress and if it's a problem then..." she said as she took her clutch and then pulled something out.

She moved forward and handed Jie some banknotes and then turned to politely ask the waitress to bring another coffee for Mam.

"What are you trying to do? You think this petty sum of money can afford this dress? Do you even know how much this dress cost?" Jie said with a smile which was full of disgust on her face.

"Sorry Miss, but I don't wanna know. I am really not intrested in your this not-so-affordable high-end dress. And I know this money can not bring your dress back nor it can afford the another similar dress but this money can surely solve this small chaos as now you can send your dress for dry-cleaning" Lifen said with a smile on her face.

The insulting words irked Jie and she left the place giving a glare to Lifen. She was feeling so insulted today. She took out her phone and speed dialed 1 and said with teary eyes and sobbing voice,"Brother Ming let's not meet today, I'm not feeling well".

There was a concerned cold voice on phone,"What happened Jie, why are you sobbing? Is everything okay?"

"There is nothing wrong Brother Ming...I am totally fine , it's just I am not feeling well today. I am sorry for today, I know today we would have met after 3 months..." Jie said while she was interrupted by the one on the other end of the call.

" That's completely okay dear. Your health comes first. Go and have some rest. I love you, my little girl"

"I love you too" then she hung up the call and got into her call.


" Wow! That was impressive Lifen. You never let go off the opportunity to show your Robinhood charm to help others" Chang said from a distant while clapping his hands.

"We need to talk Chang", she said while looking at him. She asked Daiyu and Guang to go inside the party and help her ask farewell from others as it's getting late and they need to return soon.

They nodded to her and returned to the party leaving Chang and Lifen alone.

Lifen and Chang walked towards the garden. There was a feeling of uneasiness in her eyes. She doesnot wanted to hurt Chang's feeling but she knew the false hopes will hurt him more.

"Chang, I wanna ask you something", she said breaking the silence between them.

"Okayyy! But you know, you never need a permission from me for that", he chuckled.

"Do you really want to be in my life", she asked without paying any heed to his chuckle.

Hearing this, there was a sudden shine in his eyes. He overjoyed. But before he could say anything to her she interrupted and said with cold eyes, "Then you have to give up on loving me because I really don't wanna see you hurting yourself. We can be friends, real good friends but nothing apart from that. Now the choice is yours."

She did not wanted to be rough but it was the need of time, there was no other ways left to her. Saying this she walked away from him.