It will be interesting, Little Cat.

At Zhang School of Business, 

There was a cheerful atmosphere. The excitement of beginning a new phase of life could be seen in everyone's eyes. There was an eagerness of exploring the world and meeting new friends. They were all excited to explore their life.

Lifen was excited but somewhere in her eyes was nervousness. She was nervous that today she might be going to encounter him again. She was nervous that she might be again in contact with those intense eyes.

When she was drowning herself in the pool of her thoughts, she heard someone utter his name. 

She was instantly out of her thoughts and she realized that it was Daiyu saying something about him.

"What are you saying?" Lifen stared at Daiyu with a question mark on her face.

Guang said while glaring at Daiyu, "Lifen, don't mind her, let her blabber."

Lifen replied, "Mmm"

Daiyu was actually telling Lifen that soon she would be enjoying her over exciting love story with Deming. 

Guang was not happy with Daiyu's teasing Lifen with Deming's name. She had noticed that Lifen gets extremely conscious and nervous hearing Deming's name. 

"Hey! You three over there." Some girly voice was heard by Lifen and her friends. 

Daiyu turned to look at the source of the voice," Are you referring to us?" 

Then Lifen and Guang also turned to look at them.

There was a girl with a sharp and defined feature standing with two other girls who seemed less like a friend and more like an assistant to her. They were staring at Lifen as if they were looking at some trash.

Lifen was confused with their expression. She courteously introduced herself, "Hello, I am Wu Lifen, 1st-year junior, and you?"

Guang and Daiyu were in no mood to introduce themselves to them. They didn't want Lifen to do so but they were unable to stop her on time. 

As expected by them, the girls in front were not for the introduction. By their looks, they predicted that they were holding some kind of grudge against Lifen.

"Oh! So your name is Lifen but what should I do with your name. I don't even want to spell it, Ewww... But you should remember my name because I am worth remembering. I am Zhao Xi." She said in an extremely arrogant tone. 

"You...." Daiyu flared up with her loud voice but was held back by Lifen. 

Lifen said staring at Zhao Xi, "Sorry Zhao Xi, if I am not wrong then I think it was you who called us before."

"So what? I was not here to waste my time listening to your name. I am just here to remind and warn you about your boundaries. Don't ever try to cross it, you won't be able to afford it. You don't belong here, you are just a mere daughter of a coffee shop owner." Zhao Xi said crossing her hands on her chest.

"Sorry, but..." Lifen was confused by both the contents and tone of her talking but was interrupted by Daiyu halfway.

"One second, what do you mean by she doesn't belong here?"

"Isn't it normal that a girl like her who doesn't belong to any business family and doesn't even have a class shouldn't dare to stand in front of us? And you! you are the daughter of the President of this school yet you are roaming with her. You shouldn't be standing with her. You will lose face if you stand with a shi* like her." Zhao Xi blurted out.

"Enough! I don't have to seek any guidance on my matters, you are not worth that. One thing I can guarantee that no matter whatever you do, you won't be ever in comparison with my friend except in blurting nonsense. Now quickly get lost or you won't be able to afford the consequences." Daiyu said with a disgusted look.

Zhao Xi stomped her feet hard, "You..."

"Leave it, Xi... Let them suffer. You don't have to be good to such trashy people." A girl standing at the side of Zhao Xi said holding her hand. 

Guang stepped forward, "Trashy? I think that word suits you the best."

Lifen was smiling with a smug on her face. She was happy to see her friends were backing her up.  Zhao Xi and her so-called friends left from there fuming in anger.

At not much distance, Lamborghini Veneno was standing and the people inside were witnessing the love between the three friends. 

Murphy asked after a few moments, " Boss, should we take the car forward?"

"No need. Go and park the car. Attend the work at the office, I will be there after my classes. I will walk from here." Deming stepped out of the car and walked inside the campus. 

He thought to himself, 'First Day... Wow! I was waiting for it. It will be interesting, Little Cat."

There was a smirk on his face.