Your confession won't help you get a 'taken girl'.

Hearing Lifen's name, Deming had stood up instantly and gazed in their direction with his fierce eyes. 

Lifen was dumbfounded with a sudden confession but the expression of Deming made her crazier. 

Everyone was cheering Lifen to say 'Yes' to the confession. She looked in the direction of Deming and subconsciously nodded. 

After getting Lifen's acceptance, Fei Hong was overjoyed and Deming was thunderstruck. The latter's expression was becoming more fierce with the passing moments.

Seeing Lifen accepting Fei Hong's confession, everyone screamed at the top of their voice.

Su Yan went on the stage to the microphone, "Congratulations Fei Hong. Because of his heartfelt confession, all of us have witnessed such a cute love story so the prince has ultimately got his princess."

Everyone applauded. 

Zhao Xi felt highly embarrassed, she stomped her feet hard on the ground and was about to leave but she was held back with Deming's fierce look. 

He was fiercely glaring at Fei Hong. The anger in his eyes was like an active volcano which was about to erupt and burn everyone present in the room.

Suddenly the room dropped its temperature, making everyone's spine shiver. The screams had turned into pin-drop silence.  

Lifen was staring in the direction of Deming because his eyes were not allowing her eyes to move its gaze. His intense glare was reminding her of the warning given by Deming.

'You are not allowed to date anyone except me.'

Everyone followed her spellbound gaze and turned to look at Deming. The cold look of Deming made everyone tremble in fear. 

His gaze was so fierce that it can slash anyone to death.

He stepped forward with his long legs towards Lifen and everyone made way for him. His expression was warning everyone to dare not come in his way. 

Witnessing his expression no one dared to speak a single word, not even a small murmur as if they thought their death would be inevitable if they got heard.

Zhao Xi thought that Deming was approaching her to console her and his dreadful glare on Fei Hong was for embarrassing her. 

It was not her fault to take his actions like that, all blame goes to her friends. Ever since the day of the entrance exam, she got boasted by her friends regarding how Deming was looking at her and listening to her. 

They had even said that maybe Deming had love at first sight with her.

When Deming reached Zhao Xi, she pouted and sobbed, "Bother Ming..."

But to her astonishment, Deming ignored her and passed her to reach Lifen.

Daiyu and Guang were also dumbstruck with his unexpected action and the fearful eyes.

Reaching Lifen, he intensely stared at her hand which was held by Fei Hong. 

Fei Hong didn't know why Deming was acting like that and reached near them. He didn't know how to react to him so he stood still at his place waiting to get through his actions.

"Lifen… No, My Little Cat, haven't I already warned you?" Deming said in an extremely cold tone while densely glaring at Lifen's hand which was still held by Fei Hong.

Everyone was shocked by the way of Deming addressing Lifen but no one dared to speak a single word. 

The dense glare made Lifen uneasy, she tried to pull out her hand from Fei Hong's grip but he was reluctant to her.

"Darling, what happened? Why is your face turning pale? I am so happy today, it's our first day of dating." Fei Hong said with a wide smile.

Then Fei Hong looked at Deming joyfully but looking at him made a cold shiver pass through his body. 

He asked with a questioning look, "Sorry brother, I don't know why you are glaring at us with your cold eyes but please soften yourself a little, you are scaring my love."

After hearing 'Darling' and 'Love' words from Fei Hong, Deming was about to explode but he said in a  mocking tone.

"Who is your 'Sweetheart'? Whom are you referring to as 'Love'?"

Fei Hong was down at one stroke. 

He collected his voice to speak up, "Brother, are you kidding me? Didn't you already witness my confession? I have just confessed my feelings to this girl in front of everyone and even she has accepted it."

Lifen didn't know whether to laugh or cry, the two boys in front of her were fighting for her. She was unknowingly sure that Deming would not be at losing in the end. 

She was sensing a murderous aura around him which he was suppressing but will not be able to suppress for long.

Deming jeered looking at Fei Hong, "So what? How does it even affect? I have heard your wasteful words which you termed as a confession but it's of no use… just a waste!!"

"What do you mean? How is my confession a waste when it has already been accepted?" Fei Hong asked in a confused tone.

Deming held Lifen's hand which was held by Fei Hong and pulled it with a force to set it free. 

"Your confession won't help you get a taken girl." He said while looking devilishly at Lifen.

Lifen was shocked to hell. 

What was he trying to say? 

Before entering the room, he had already made an unexpected move and now. He is becoming so fast and always leaves her dumbfounded. 

Not only Lifen, everyone was utterly shocked to hear Deming's words while Deming was having a sign of victory on his face.