Want to escape, You won't get the chance until the thing is done.

In the car, Lifen turned to look at Deming, "Where are we going?"

"Your future home", Deming replied with a smirk on his face. Lifen was dumbfounded. Has she fallen into his trap?

Realizing that she had already been trapped, Lifen didn't dare to open her mouth, she just clasped the seatbelt in her soft palm strongly, and stared blankly at the road which was quite busy.

Deming gave an intrested smile, when he noticed Lifen's blank expression. This expression has been his all time favourite.

After travelling for half an hour, Lamborghini Venono stopped at the entrance of Wang Palce. When the guards glimpsed the car at the gate, they hurriedly opened it but the thing that surprised them was the girl sitting inside the car.

While passing through the gate, Deming stopped and called out one of the guard and said in a joyful tone, "Don't let anyone enter without my permission...not even any ant". Then he rode inside with a hush.

Hearing Deming's command Lifen was fretting, "What do you mean by that stupid command?"

Stopping the engine, Deming unclasped his seat belt and turned to look at her. Her blank expression was now replaced by nervousness. Her face was emitting excessive cuteness. The cuteness that can enchant anyone.

He leaned close to her, closing the distance between them. Lifen held her breath strongly and said in a stammering tone, "Wh....What ar..are you...do..ing"

Deming didn't responded to her, instead he lifted his hand to touch her. Seeing Deming so close to her, Lifen closed her eyes tightly avoiding to visualize anything.

The next moment, she felt his hand on hers that was holding the seatbelts tightly and his warm breaths over her face. And then the next, he was back to his seat.

Few moments passed by ,but Lifen didn't opened her eyes. When she doesn't feel the warm breaths any longer over her, she slowly opened her eyes.

To her surprise, Deming was seating at his seat quietly staring at her. "What devilish things you were thinking, Little Cat?", Deming squinted his eyes on Lifen.

Lifen's cheeks turned flush red hearing Deming's question. She was flabbergasted, "There is absolutely nothing. Why would I think anything? I was just thinking why am I forced here?"

Deming chuckled and open the door to get out and walked to the other side to open the door for Lifen, "Come out".

"First tell me, why have you brought me here?",Lifen was reluctant to come out. Looking at her reluctance, Deming bent down and lifted her in his arms straight away without giving her any chance to resist, "Do you really think you have a choice?". He then kicked the door of the car close .

"Crazy....You are simply the insane. Put me down, I will walk on my own",Lifen lambasted.

"It's too late. Now I think this is the best way to get into", Deming snickered.

He then entered the house lifting Lifen strongly in his hands and smug on this face. "Mr.Yuan, Mr.Yuan",Deming called out loudly the name of the butler of the house. Then a man who was in his mid 50s in a clean uniform came out and responded, "Yes master...". He was interrupted with the sight in front of him. This was his first time seeing Deming taking a girl in his arms and walking into the house. He has been taking care of Deming and this household since Deming was eight years old. It's been fifteen year.

He fixed his glasses and looked at the girl. The girl was resisting and cursing in his arms. She was cute and there was pure innocence in her eyes. With one look he can guarantee that the girl was exceptional in between of the crowd.

He then choose his words carefully, "Master, this is?"

Deming said in a soft tone, "Oh! She is now my friend from the school, but soon be the lady of this house".

Butler Yuan was speechless with Deming's reply. "Who is the lady of this house? Can't you talk something sane",Lifen resisted.

She then looked at Butler Yuan, "Mr. please help me. Please ask him let me go". But there was nothing the butler could help with, "My Lady, don't panic. Master won't do any wrong to you".

"Are you people insane? Whom are you calling 'My Lady'?" Lifen reprimanded in an irritade tone. Then Deming said in a joyful tone, "As expected from you Mr.Yuan, you are quiet efficient. Now I am going to my room. Make sure no one disturb us".

Lifen got a bolt from blue when she heard the command Deming gave go Mr.Yuan .

With big strides , Deming walked through the hall ,climbed the stairs and went into the room. The decor of the room was too eye catching. It was a regal room with purple and gold fittings. It was a classic set, which boasts the wonderful fact that everything was hand crafted. Each and every furniture was giving a new definition of lavishness.

Deming got inside the room with Lifen. Then he gently put Lifen down on the furry carpet.Lifen leaped to escape but, Deming closed the door with a thud, "Want to escape? You won't get a chance until the thing is done". Deming smirked.

"Thing? What do you mean?",Lifen moved backwards in nervousness. There was droplets of sweat over her forehead. Moving backwards, she got tripped when hit pouf upholstery. "Ahh", she was about to fall when her waist was gripped hard by Deming. Again she can felt the concern in Deming's eyes.

The nervousness in Lifen's eyes were gone the moment she saw the concern in Deming's eyes. "What's this again? Why you always look for getting hurt?", Deming said in a furious tone.

Seeing the concern in his eyes, Lifen subconsciously uttered, "Sorry". Deming again lifted her gently and placed her on his bed but this time Lifen didn't resisted rather showed a obedient side of her.

But in the next second, when she remembered the past commands and the words she stood up and was about to say something to him when Deming took off his jacket and threw it on the bed. "What are you doing?" Lifen was again blank.