His presence affects her so much.

After showing the way to the kitchen, Deming stepped forward towards his bedroom. Lifen turned to walk towards kitchen when he took a step back and turned to her, "Hey, one more important thing, there is a phone almost at every corner of the house for convenience. Although there are no servants in the house right now but I am there for you. If there is anything you want to know just dial 1 on it and I will be at your service ".

Giving her this information, he winked and turned back to walk. Lifen went to the kitchen. The kitchen was exceptional clean and almost everything was placed in the proper way with tag on it. Even if it was her first time in this kitchen, she doesn't face any problem to find the ingredients. She thought to herself, "Wow! his servants are indeed capable ".

She gave a thought what should she cook for lunch. After some time, she put an apron and began to work. She was not a professional in the kitchen but her skills were not less than a professional chef. She sliced the various ingredients which were going to be used in different shapes and sizes. Then she moved further to cook it. After working for more than 45 minutes, she breathed out in relief, "Oh! After so long, I have cooked this much. I don't know whether my lack of practice would lead to a bad taste or not. I hope for good after all I am paying off a favor to him".

She then moved the dishes on the dining table. There was sweet and sour pork, wontons, dumplings and some boiled rice in complimentary. Looking at the clock, she realized that it was too late already and yet Deming has not come down. She waited for next 15 minutes but still he has not come down.

"What's wrong with him, it's already 1hour still he is not here. Should I go to his room to have a look? No no I can't go to his room, he is such a pervert. But...", Lifen was walking back and forth in the living room with a confused expression.

At last she decided to walk into the beast den. She knocked at the door but there was no response. She hesitantly knocked few more times and then walked inside the room. There was no one and the sound of water running was coming from the bathroom. The door was half closed.

"Sir...Sir are you fine", Lifen said in hesitation reaching near door of the bathroom. Suddenly the door got flung open giving her a sudden shock. Due to this sudden action, she stumbled backwards but a strong hand grabbed her by her waist. Her eyes were closed tightly in fear that she was about to fall. "Little Cat, I know you like when I catch you before you fall but don't you think it's a little risky. What if I won't be able to catch you on time", a husky voice came with warm breathes in her ears. Her ears got red unexpectedly.

Drops of water were dripping on her face. She opened her eyes and was frozen. Deming was in his bathrobe. His hairs were all wet. His skin was still having a very thin layer of water and was shining in the lights. His face was looking more symmetrical and the jaw lines were too sharp. The thin lips were curled up to form a smirk.

"How long are you planning to be in my arms? Huh?" Deming chuckled. Lifen came back to her senses and straightened her up. She took a few steps backwards, "I am sorry. I haven't fallen intentionally. And who says I expect you to catch me whenever I fall. You don't have to".

He took a step and extended his hands to put the strands of hairs that were clumsily fallen on her face back behind her ears, "Oh! Is that so? But I want to".

Lifen avoided her eyes but unfortunately her eyes fell on the large neck region of the bathrobe which was showing off his broad muscular chest. Her cheeks turned red. She turned herself around to avoid him, "Sir, you are all wet. Change your clothes and come to the dining table. It's all set". She took a few steps to walk outside but Deming went in front of her.

"Hey why are you avoiding looking at me and why your cheeks are so red? Am I looking that sexy?" he chuckled.

Lifen was flustered, "No not at all".

"Did that mean I am not sexy? Am I not good looking".

"No sir, I mean you are..."

"Oh then I am sexy and good looking. So you like me, right?"

"Ahh, It's not like that. I mean you are my Boss. Ofcourse you are good", Lifen said in a hurried tone.

Was he trying to trap me in his words? How can he do such act in front of a girl? So inappropriate.

Deming lifted her face with his finger to look into her eyes,"So you only take me as your Boss? If that's so why your heart is racing right now? Why your face is so pink? Why are you avoiding to look into my eyes?"

Lifen was dumstruck with his questions. Even she didn't knew why Deming's presence affects her so much. She didn't knew why she becomes so nervous around him but at the same time very comfortable and secured with him.