You really want the punishment so badly.

As the countdown got over, Deming inched closer pressing her more to the kitchen slab and whispered in ears, "Now get ready for the punishment".

Lifen got scared to death when she came in contact with his sinister eyes. And in the next second his warm lips brushed over hers. She was flabbergasted.

"Ahh!", Lifen groaned in pain and was back into her senses. He bit her lips and fresh blood oozed out. "What the hell? How dare you do that to me?", Lifen rebuked.

"I have already warned you of the punishment. Why are you so shocked with that? Hey, don't tell me that was your first kiss. No, no that can't be", Deming chuckled.

Lifen pushed him hard and glared him with her big eyes. He laughed out loud, looking at her reaction. "I am your employee. How can you be this indecent to a girl? Where is your rationality? Hmph", Lifen screamed at the top her voice.

But there was not a slight change in Deming's attitude instead he was smiling more on her words as if she was praising him.

Lifen was exhausted as she spoke in loud voice, "What are you mocking at? You are such a thick skinned man, indecent too". She was not left with any more energy now.

"Still I haven't got the answer. Want to have the punishment for the second time or are you going to answer", Deming said with an evil grin on his face.

"You...",Lifen was at loss of words but she can't underestimate Deming this time. What if he got overboard again. She thought of the reason that she can present him.

When she was thinking, she didn't noticed that Deming has already got close to her again. She only noticed after feeling the warm breath on her hair getting deeper and deeper.

As she lifted her head, Deming said in a mellifluous voice, "So are you ready for the punishment?"

"Wait, I will answer honestly... That's because you reminded me of someone...someone really special to me, whom I have been missing for long time", Lifen said in a soft tone

Reminded of someone!

Someone special whom she have been missing!

Deming was taken aback with her reply, "Again you are bluffing me".

"No, not at all. This time I am being honest", Lifen said hurriedly, "If you don't believe then I can't help it".

"There is already someone in my life whom I adore the most. He is someone like the prince charming of my dreams", Lifen tried to explain but was not going to dig any deeper.

She turned to look back at Deming. His eyes darkened and said in a gloomy tone, "Then? Go on I want to know"

"But why would I tell you my personal stories, we are not that close. We are just formally related with my job and an employer is not concerned with employees personal lives", Lifen slightly sneered.

She thought of sliding out but Deming block the way using his strong muscular arms. "What now? I have already given you the reason".

She again tried to slide out from the other side but again Deming blocked the way using his other arm. She was now in the middle of his arms blocking her way out and his dark eyes glaring at her, "You really want the punishment so badly. So I should grant your wish".

He leaned forward on Lifen. She tried to push him away but he strength was like the giant's strength compared to her. She hold his shoulder to keep him away but it was momentary.

Suddenly to stop him come close to her, she accidentally put her hand on his chest, and was frozen. She could feel his warm heartbeat racing showing that he was anxious. Realising what she had felt, she subconsciously looked into his eyes, which showed no sign of mockery from before. It was extremely dark with fierceness radiating gloominess in the atmosphere.

"Hey what's with you? You are behaving so irrationally. The employer can't get so much into their employees personal business. And I am working under you just for my brother's sake", Lifen said anxiously.

"So what?", Deming said in a sharp tone, "You have signed the contract, have to forgotten that. Now you are legally answerable to me and I am asking you something, it doesn't concern whether it is your public or your private affairs".

"You can't make that contract as the sword against me", Lifen retorted.

"Are you going to continue or do you want me to continue?" Deming said while exerting little more pressure to inch closer to her.

"You can't do this"

"I can do anything. I don't think you can stop me in any way. I just asked you to complete the story which you have started. I am curious for it".

He inserted more pressure which her hand were unable to hold and soon he was about to give her second round of punishment but she broke her voice out loud, "Okay, I will continue it. But please can you stop threatening me this way"