I am offering you the best job, be my wife.

Lifen woke up early smiling ear to ear, her eyes full of new aspirations. She wanted to wake the two beauties sleeping beside her, but after remembering how late they have slept last night she thought it would be better let them sleep a little more. She pussy footed all the way out of the bed and went to follow her daily grind.

After done with her course, she returned to her room with her damped hair. She had got ready ready in a formal off-white pants and light pink blouse with a ruffle collar. Her hair were slightly damped, she quickly blow dry it and done her hair into a ponytail. After satisfying herself with her look, she went to the bed to wake the two beauties, "Hey, wake up now it's already late. Don't you both have to get ready for the school. Be quick".

There was no response, they only tighten their grip on the duvet and moved their limbs to adjust it. "Be good, wake up fast or I will pull the duvet", Lifen said in a warm warning tone.

Still there was no movement. "Hey, don't complain afterwards, I am warning you", she pulled the duvet and there was a horrendous scream inside the room.

"Hey, I am gonna kill you for that", Daiyu yelled and jumped out of the bed to charge Lifen. Guang calmly sat on the bed and gently rubbed her eyes like a child.

Daiyu was running after Lifen like tom runs after jerry. "Okay okay, times up. I am already exhausted", Lifen panted.

"We aren't playing any game, what is this times up". They went all the way out of the house. Lifen was running in a backward motion facing Daiyu and coaxing her to stop chasing. Suddenly she collided with something hard yet muscular.

Seeing the person behind Lifen, Daiyu's jaw dropped. She didn't move. Guang came out and was surprised to see him again.

Lifen turned to look behind her and was awestruck. She mumbled, "De...Deming".

"Good Morning, Little Cat", his fruity voice floated to her ear breaking her expression. He hugged and gave a small peck on her forehead.

"Why are you here? I mean, you haven't informed me that you were coming in the morning", she said in a baffled tone.

He blinked twice, "You didn't like it. I wanted to pick you up for the school. Should I leave?". Lifen thought to herself, 'What's with him? He is acting too cute. Is he trying to seduce me?'.

"Little Cat, you haven't replied. Should I leave? If you don't like then I won't come to pick you again", he pouted. His hands were holding her through her waist. She subconsciously shook her head and a stream on smile passed on his lips immediately.

Daiyu and Guang looked at each other and then said at the same time, "Good Morning, Mr.Wang". Then only Lifen realized that she wasn't alone here, her friends were watching them. How can she forget about them? She didn't knew that Deming's presence has this effect on her. Once he is in front of her, everyone else disappears. She smiled naively on her stupid conclusion.

"Good morning. You can call me by my name. Don't be so formal, my little cat would not like that", he said and turned to Lifen with a smile on his face.

Daiyu and Guang gulped the dog food the have just fed. They would need some time to get use to it. "Since you are already here, Mr.Wan...sorry Deming, then why don't you join us in breakfast", Guang said staring at Lifen, a pretentious smile on her face.

Deming tilted his head to look at Lifen, she nodded go him and then instantly he agreed. Daiyu was dumbstruck, she mumbled to herself, "it's normal, they are dating. Ahh they are dating. I am happy for her. But still I can't believe, they are actually dating. We are going have a breakfast with him, it's normal too. Wow, my friend's boyfriend is the business tycoon, the Wang Deming. Whatever my friend is the best one in the world too".

Guang snapped her out of her thoughts, "Okay then, you both proceed and we will be soon there after freshening up". She turned and pulled Daiyu with her.

Deming pulled Lifen into his tight embrace and mumbled near her ear, "Little Cat, I missed you. Now, I can bear to live away from you. How about we get married soon".

"Hey, stop that. What do you mean by, get married? Don't be so fast. We hardly know each other in a proper way. And still, my studies are not over. I haven't got a permanent job till now", she snapped him.

"I am offering you the best job of the world, be my wife. Don't you think it's the best job in the world. Huh? And if you want to work then you can handle one of my company's branch", he caressed her cheeks.

"Hey I don't need you money or your company. I want to work hard for myself. I want to be self dependent not to be dependent on you. Don't ever think that I am after your money. I want to earn for myself and for you too", she said with an annoyed expression on her face. Her eyes were yelling 'didn't expected this from you'.

Deming was impressed with her thoughts. He can feel the annoyance on her face, "I am sorry, Little Cat. I was wrong, I didn't meant that. But I really missed you. Won't you hug me back".

"No, I am not going to hug you. That's your punishment. Let's go for the breakfast. I have prepared it", she walked away from him but was suddenly pulled back.

She was again in his embrace, "Okay, I will take your punishment. You don't have to hug me, I will hug you. Is that fine". Deming chuckled. She wanted to resist but melted against his warm hug.