Right to know.

Few days passed by. Guang's words made Deming a little uncomfortable but after sometime he didn't thought too much about it.

From the last few days, Deming and Lifen spent quite time together. She often went to visit Carnation Hills, helped him in looking after Jie and then both had their lunch together. A quite sweet bond was established between them that gave him a sense of easiness around her.

Lifen was sitting on her study table, reading a book when her phone buzzed. She averted her gaze from her book to look at her phone. A soft smile spread over her lips. The text was from Deming.

[Deming: Good morning!! When are you coming today?]

She thought for sometime and then typed a reply. After that she again moved to look at her book.

On the other side, Deming's phone buzzed with the text message. At this moment he was in meeting with a foreign clients. He quickly peeked at his phone and as expected by him, the text was from Lifen.