Enough of your cheap words.

Making her thoughts and words very much clear, Lifen felt light inside her heart. She has always considered 'playing with someone heart, even if he or she is your enemy', is the most sinful deed one can ever do. And she was someone who can never think of it.

The waiters and the other staffs of the restaurant has already moved inside after serving to give the couple some quality, so at this moment only two were standing alone.

Lifen's words made Chang feel devastated. His heart was unable to let her go. His mind has long lost all its logic so when Lifen turned to move away from him, he can only grab her into his embrace tightly, not letting her go away.

"Chang, what are you doing? Let me go. You are making me uncomfortable. Let me go", she resisted. Everytime she moves a little in his grip, his grip tightened around her further.