Dinner at a Restaurant.

Few days passed by, Lifen was all engrossed in preparing herself for her departure. She has decided to let her heart practice to omit all thoughts regarding Deming.

In these few days, Lifen has received several calls and messages from him but all the calls remained unanswered and the texts remained unreplied.

Deming also tried to meet her, but he can't visit her at her home so he went to the college. But there he got to know that she hasn't appeared in the college for a quite long time now. He sighed unable to understand what's wrong with her. He decided that no matter how, but today he will have a clear talk with her.

Life was all busy in her room. She has received a few projects files of Li Corporation on which her grandfather wanted her opinions and thoughts. At this moment, there was a knock on the door. She stood up and walked to open the door. Mother Wu was standing at the door, holding her hand phone.