Her fragrance.

Yuzhe was still gazing out the glass window oblivious to her approching presence. After confessing the true feelings of his heart loud for the first time, he was feeling quite relieved but something was scaring him inside.

He knew Lifen well. Though she is a kind hearted girl, whose heart is filled up with the selfless love for everyone with whom she is connected, even for the silver line of relation. But in actual means her heart wasn't that big.

She is the girl who believes in one time love in a lifetime. No matter how much sincere one's feelings might be for her, her heart won't budge or waver even for a tiniest second, once she has kept someone there.

And he knows well there is already someone there, not from yesterday or from two years back but from last twelve years. Though he came first in her life, a way before from Deming, yet he can't charm her the way the quiet and cold little Deming did.