She has moved out.

Next morning, Lifen woke up in a room filled with bright sunlight and soft fragrance of plumeria. This was what she have wished her morning be like.

She has always love bright sunlight grazing in her room and about plumeria flowers, she has always loved its sweet mixed fragrance. With them together she always believe that her day will be going to be all good and lucky.

She has already moved to her new place which was found by Yuzhe. She has already demanded that the place shouldn't be high end as she don't want to live that lavishly yet. She knew well that she was destined to live like a princess the day she was born in Li family but still at this moment she is not used to it.

And still she was dependent on the money she was earning from her fashion boutique. She never asked her grandfather to finance or boutique or any thing that may help her to leave a luxurious life. So she was planning a house that will fit under her budget.