His only destination, his only fate.

Lifen sped all the from her studio back to Sky Arcs Apartments, only to find Deming still standing there. No, he has moved to a place where the rain can get more access on his body.

What's going in his evil brain? Or had he gone all insane?

Seeing her car arrive, Deming gave a known smile to her. To which Lifen's only reaction was a soft lip mumble saying, 'YOU ARE INSANE'.

She went to park her car at her designated place and then stepped out with her clear umbrella.

She came to him and then hoisted the umbrella a little higher to match up with his height but he was too tall.

Deming was all time only staring her pretty beautiful calm face, which has came to his dream every night. His only destination, his only fate.

Seeing her strong efforts to shelter him under the umbrella, he gave out a small chuckle and reached her hand to help her with it.