They started their lives anew.

Its been five days after that night where they both have finally settled their past. It can't be said settled since Lifen still can't feel that there can be future for them together.

As said earlier, she won't be ever let go the things that Deming did with her heart. She just can't even if she tried hard.

She sometimes feel weird that how much his presence affects her both in good way and bad way. If she knew her heart correctly then she can easily say that in her life the most happy moments and the most worst moment has come only because of him alone.

The beautiful phase of her life was the time of her childhood in which Deming was present beside her and the worst moment of her life was the moment Deming had crushed her heart mercilessly.

After that night, she thought hard and decided that for the one and the last time she will give a chance to him to prove his sincerity, though she feel it.