Need of some space and time.

As their eyes met, Deming understood she has taken everything wrongly. It wasn't her fault. They were still in the phase where he was trying to build the trust within her which he has once broke.

He quickly pushed Jie away from him and straightened his posture to look straight into her eyes, "Lifen, listen to me first".

"Scram off!" she roared.

"'s really not what you are seeing. Let me explain...", he tried to explain as he walked to her hurriedly and grabbed her palms into his.

But Lifen shrugged off his hands away with a single flinch, I don't wanna hear your bullsh*t. Get out and do your stuffs at your place. Get outttt. Now!".

The tears in eyes were long turned into ice specifying that she has again hardened her heart against him. Her eyes was giving off a look of disgust to him.

"There is anything going on between us, Lifen. I was just helping her out...", he explained.