Fix an appointment for them!!

"Then who holds the maximum shares?", he asked lazily not giving much interest to the topic.

"The shares are divided between five more stakeholders. 7% is under Jixing's Fashions, 10% under Shengyan's Vogue, 39% under the Li's and the remaining 39% under our Wang Corporations ", informed Qi Yuirong looking at the information displayed on her working tablet.

"Problem?", he asked straightforwardly not wanting to speak anymore. He lazily picked up the file presented in front of him started tossing and flipping the pages looking uninterestedly at figures.

One of the employee who was feeling a envious looking at the lady's confidence in front of their cold, overbearing boss stood up intentionally to gain some good points, "Sorry but I ,personally think that Ms.Qi hasn't understood the real motto of our organisation. Wang Corporations are born rulers. We have all resources to buy the shares of other stakeholders and become the sole owner of the mall. Won't that lead us to our goal?"