Our Goddess has earned four great fans!!

At the same night, inside someone's bedroom. One girl with three boys were sitting comfortably. They were all in their teens, they might have just turned cheerfully nineteen.

Two of the guys were sitting on the couches that were placed near the window at the sideline of the bed, from where you can see the whole S city glittering beautifully. They were enjoying a can of beer.

Whereas on the bed, the girl was bush admiring something on the laptop while another boy was busy searching something on his phone.

Suddenly the girl became excited and screamed at the top of her lungs, enough to make the two boys drinking beer spat it out and the other to drop his phone.

" Whoa Whoa!! Did you witness her words now. She was so sharp with her tongue but still so humble in her tone. Just too too too good. I am her biggest fan", the girl commented as she admired the beautiful woman on the screen.