Annual Anniversary Party (3)

When the car pulled up at the entrance , Daiyu and Guang were busy admiring the decoration of the banquet. Though they have previously attended various high class parties with their parents but none of them were at the level of Li's.

But soon they heard the fussy questions of the reporters. And when they turned to the direction there was none other than Jie answering them. Daiyu lips instantly twitched when Jie firmly mentioned that everything that happened at Fashionista mall was between friend.

She quickly murmured to Guang, "For God's sake, who consider such a vixen to be friend? It's not me, is that you?".

Hearing Daiyu's comment, Guang rolled her eyes implying that it's the worst joke ever.

So in the next moment, she didn't hesitated to speak it out boldly, "Who are you calling friends? How could we have a friend like you?"