Annual Anniversary Party (10): Reason for her downfall.

After giving some information to the reporters, Lifen walked inside the banquet hall with Erica who was slightly behind her.

When she entered the bodyguards that were standing at the door, bowed down in respect which seemed weird to the public. It was the first time the bodyguards serving Li's are bowing their head to someone out from the surname Li.

But before they could pay heed to that topic, their thoughts were taken away by the beauty walking in the front.

"Whoa! I haven't seen her before. From which family she has come?"

"Look she is so pretty. And her beauty doesn't seems to be fake".

"It looks like she is a nouveau. Or else why would we haven't come across her before?"

"Are you dumb? She can't be from any random family who has lifted itself to riches overnight. Can't you see her? Her aura and skin seems to be so royal".

As Lifen entered, several murmurs spread in the air. Everyone was trying to know her and her background.