Annual Anniversary Party (13): Her identity is revealed.

Lifen was still all calm and composed, hearing so much dirty accusations. She doesn't need to explain herself to anyone her. Her lips were curled up in amusement, anticipating how far these women can go to humiliate someone.

Though she had scared Jie saying, she can expose her. But exposing her wasn't in her near future plan. She won't expose her like this because it will only hurt the feelings of the man whom she love with all her life.

The hall was already filled with loud murmurs that were all about her. It were continously judging her character.

Some of the editors and high profile journalists who were also here to attend the part were also looking at her.

At this moment when she thought that she have to end this all, a strong domineering loud roar was heard in the hall. And within a fraction of second, everything got into a deafening silence, "Who dares?"