Was that their parting kiss?

Deming first wanted to leave the party after hearing everything. He was feeling that suddenly the book he was reading for the whole year was not the book he thought. It was something that he couldn't think of.

It wasn't that he was upset with Lifen having such a formidable suddenly background. But the thing that pained him was the fact that how well she hid her identity from him.

Did she never think of him as someone whom she can trust?

Was that Yuzhe more trustworthy than him? Has he really failed in her love?

And above all, now with such a formidable identity, will he be left behind?

Since she has trusted Yuzhe more than him to reveal her identity to him,. Will thag mean that he was no one to her and will remain no one to her in the end too?

Not to forget that the old elder Li still holds grudges against him.

Will she accept him or will she just mercilessly reject him for bringing her so much pain in the past?