Long lost Little Rabbit was found.

Deming became weirdly silent after clarifying his doubts from morning. He was just giving gentle warm stares to her which sometime seems like chuckling internally.

'What exactly his mind is brewing now?' Lifen thought in her head.

She was a little amazed by his behavior but she shrugged it off thinking it's better he leaves first, before her grandfather comes back.

"So I am leaving. See you during lunch!", he said as he turned his back to leave.


When did they decide this?

She was still thinking of his previous words that she didn't realized, he has already come in front of her.

Before she could realize it, his lips got over hers. The kiss wasn't passionate rather was very soft and lingering.

It was gone before it can get completed as something hard striking the floor distracted the couple in love.


And the glass half filled with water was on the floor leaving Erica in a dreadful shock.