You have really underestimated my capabilities, Little Cat!

Two years back, Lifen has signed the contract deal with Deming in order to find Wu Yifeng. According to the contract she was bound to be his personal assistant for five years and for annulment there was no proper terms. It was only written that the breach or annulment of the contract will always be compensated in terms accepted by the Boss, i.e Wang Deming.

And now he is using this contract in such a way. She knew it was just to weird way to tell her grandfather that no matter however he tried, he won't be able to take the decision for their relationship.

But wasn't  this just a way to dig a grave for her? How was she going to handle the things now?

She knew that Deming won't be asking her to really work for him. He just want to make sure that no one tries anything on their relationship which really given him fear to lose her.