It's better that the truth remained hidden in the future too.

Introducing her happily to the staffs of her cafe and giving some more orders to her staffs, Mother Wu then took Lifen to a table to have a hearty talk with her.

Lifen was already very much pleased to see such good condition of cafe. She said, "Mumma! the shop seems to run smoothly now. It must be because of Brother Yifeng hardwork and capabilities".

Mother Wu's expression changed suddenly turning her happiness into disappointment. Her eyes held some untold sorrows.

Lifen too notice the unusual change in her mother that made her worried for her. She has thought that now on return of Yifeng, she would be happy but the look of sorrow and disappointment made her confused.

"Mumma, is everything fine? Where is Brother Yifeng. Deming has told me that he has returned two years back. Where is he?", she turned her head around once again in search if Yifeng.