It's me who has turned you into a pervert!!

"President Li you can be rest assured. This time they won't be able to harm her. And at the first place we can't be sure if they were actually the one we are thinking of. Because the people our men caught were all anonymous and also there skills were very much inexperienced ", Huang Fei added.

The old man nodded in understanding but his brows were still furrowed, "Still Huang Fei we can't let our guards down. Last time we weren't aware of their plans but this time we know that what they want". He got back on his seat while clasping his hands on the desk.

Huang Fei looked at the old man and said with slight hesitation,  "With all due respect,  President I wanted to suggest something"

The old man nodded to gestured him to continue.

"It would be good if we seek some help from Mr. Wang too. His power alone will be enough to deal with this problem and he seems to care for Ms.Li too".