Live evidence to prove your lies.

Lifen was already calm with her words before. Though the lies weaved by Jie disgusted her but still she didn't showed it on her outer surface. 

At first she even thought that she must have her reasons behind her lies. Maybe she had truly fallen for Deming and all that lies was just to prevent her from losing him and keeping him on her side.

Love often made you lose the rationality and makes you do the things which are wrong in every perspective. 

Love never comes alone. It comes with a package of emotions and feelings. Jealousy and insecurity are its prime content.

The content which often leads one, to the path that will only bring destruction if you let them rule over your brain and heart. 

It has the power to manipulate good into wrong.

Often there is such silver string of line that differentiate between right and wrong that makes people thinks the wromg path to be the right one. And the same difference runs between infactuation and love.