Here to take someone’s life instead of giving his blessings.

Gao Ren's face turned ugly at her words. With so many insults, he has now lost the count. From the first day she has insulted him, he wanted to teach her a lesson but still even been in such a vulnerable state, she has not left her arrogance. Even being at his mercy, she was not letting any opportunity to slide off where she could insult him.

"You … you are being so wild with your words. I am intrigued to see how pleasurably wild you will get on the bed later. You call me anything, it is not going to make any changes on the outcome. The more you will frustrate me with your words the more frustration I will show you later. Till then hold yourself tight and anticipate the things. I will go and take care of the wound you have given me" he said as he gave a last look to her and strutted out the room taking long strides.