She mistook her feelings for him?

At some underground base,

The low voice of painful wincing was echoing in the air. Someone was greatly in pain but even listening it felt like the whole world had turned a deaf ear to his painful calls. There were many people around but none cared to show any care to those calls. It felt like those calls never reached anyone's ears.

People were all around but none were there to rescue the person from pain. All heard him but none showed any signs of sympathy as if all had an intention to punish him with a dreadful and painful death.

With every passing second the screams were only increasing in its pitch and volume as if someone was just doubling the pain one after the another.

At this moment, strong firm steps approaching from the end of the hall corridor were heard. The sound was very faint but still it made the men present there, to straighten themselves up and compose themselves in a very respectful manner.