Shamelessness in the air.

Ning Xui Ying never thought that this day would ever come in his life. That he will ever get a chance to see her feeling the fear to lose him. Though he knew that she doesn't love him but at least she was giving him an opportunity to stand a place in her life. At the very least he has got some hope to support him and his heart.

At a surge of his emotions he could not control his heart anymore. Looking her in front of his eyes, at such a close proximity he let his emotions and feelings get his best. Reaching her in one big stride he wrapped his one arm around her waist while the other went to turn her face to face him. Without thinking much about anything, he placed his lips over his as if trying his best to confirm that all those words he had heard moments before and also feelings he was feeling inside were all true. That they are happening for real. It wasn't just in his thinking or the illusion that his mind was making him feel rather everything was happening for real.