The woman was really admirable.

When Lifen left Li Villa, she was really upset. The house was making her feel the suffocation, so she left to take the breather. She knew that once they came to know about her going out, they will definitely be going to call her or the driver. Not wanting to be disturbed at this time, she has simply asked the driver to leave his phone back while she herself has switched off the GPS of her phone.

But she has never thought that she would be going to meet an accident on her way. At that moment, she had almost thought that was her end until her savior appeared to save her.

She clearly remembered when the truck was going to hit her car, that woman has appeared in a superficial manner to push her car to the safe side with hers, not caring that by doing this she may be in danger. That woman has clearly staked her life to save hers.

How can she not ask for her when she was now all safe and sound?