His Wild Little Cat.

The next morning, when Lifen woke up. She was very happy. The love, concern and care which Deming has shown her last night was enough to make her forget all pains in her heart. She has decided that she let the past remain in the past.

Though no reasons can justify her grandfather and Yang Yuzhe's actions yet she can't go on blaming them for the whole life when things are getting good at the end.  She tilted her head to look at the man who was still sleeping so beautifully. Looking at him like this so early in the morning made her heart feel content.

"This man has officially become mine yesterday", she murmured to herself as her fingers lifted up to reach his face.

Pushing the stray hairs that had come out on his forehead back to its position, she slowly caressed his forehead then moved toward his thin pair of lips taking the way of his sharp jawline.