Are you pregnant?

Lifen did not know how she should react to this piece of news. Though her heart was telling her that it was nothing and she is just overthinking the things but at some corner she has started to feel the insecurities.

At that moment, Rebecca patted her shoulder from behind. "Lifen, what happened? Are you okay?" Her voice sounded all concerned to her ears.

Lifen turned around and shook her head. "It's nothing. I am fine. Deming will be late tonight. So he has asked me to go on with the dinner", she said with a smile.

"Oh so caring and thoughtful. He called you himself to tell you this. Now I get why you are so confident in him. He is truly worthy of your trust and confidence" She said emphasizing more on the trust and confidence Lifen has mentioned earlier. She has clearly heard her words earlier and was sure that the person who has called was not Deming but some of his staff or probably his secretary.