The woman in black.

"Fountain Park? But Sweetheart, why do you want to go there. We can enjoy ourselves here" The woman said caressing her daughter's hair lightly.

"No, Mama. I will go to the park after cutting the cake. I want to go there and have fun with you two" Little Lifen said as she lifted her head to look at her mother.

"Xiao LiLi, we can go there some other day. Let's enjoy at home today. Okay? Mama is not feeling well and we can't forget your little sister or brother will also get tired like that. Don't you want to be a good big sister to them. Though they are not here yet but they can see and feel you through your mother" her father said, looking at his wife with a smile.

Little Lifen lifted up her eyes and looked at her father with a pout and then turned to look at her mother with her watery eyes. "Mama, please let's go for once. I promise I will not tire you there. We can simply sit there and enjoy the scene, but let's go there. It's my birthday"