Grown adult.

Daiyu was all prepared to leave. Looking at the man releasing her so easily, she just did not have any reason to stay back. She took her steps forwards, but an arm halted her in her steps. "Stay!". He said, looking straight into her eyes.

"Sorry!" she asked not getting what exactly was running in his mind.

"I said stay so that you can meet my girlfriend. And since you have already missed your flight then it will only be good to stay in house rather than in an airport", Hunter said with an expressionless face.

"Not interested in meeting your girlfriend and above that this is not my home to relax. So it will be only better if I leave soon" she said and once again took her step to move away.

But again she was stopped in the mid. Her wrist was gripped lightly to hold her back. She looked at the man in confusion as if the person was simply not understanding her plain words.