Mysterious Mushroom Temple - Chapter 160

Skraal knelt down beside the fallen body of Murkof, the wood and mushroom-mixed guardian that had put up such a fierce fight against him. As he examined the creature's body, he was struck by the odd combination of living and inanimate parts that seemed to make up Murkof's form.

Some parts of the creature, such as his shield and weapons, were clearly made of dead wood and mushroom matter, while other parts, like his eyes and the tips of his fingers, were still infused with a strange and vital energy. Skraal thought that these parts must be where the energy of mushrooms and plants was concentrated.

As Skraal delved deeper into the body of Murkof, he was able to sense the complex interplay of energies that had animated the creature in life. There was a sense of wildness and unpredictability here, a kind of primal energy that was both beautiful and terrifying.