
Drifting & Finding

After these past few months I realised,

My younger self's future foresight with flaws.

Every day something new appears,

Every thought swaying new fears.

I've watched as familiar people become distant,

I've met new people with tainted hearts.

But I'm so glad for meeting those,

Where conversations and connections just flows.

Ever since the timeless ride began,

I've changed so so much.

Bad habits left and right,

Seen but ignored and thrown out of sight.

There have been so many ups and downs,

Those good morning waking and fine.

Then extremely shitty mornings close to puking,

Grateful for ones giving me their warmth smiling.

So many wounds are yet to heal,

Old scabs and new scars.

They are seemingly forgotten from heart and mind,

Thankful for those distracting beautiful times.

Everything is temporary,

It will get better.

Somewhat it's brainwashing me everyday,

Somewhat it's helping me stay.

I can see the foggy future,

Despite continuous drifting and finding.

I am here for me,

And for the world I will be.

I know clearly when there will be ends,

I've planned for new beginnings.

That is what's pushing me through now,

My only willpower now...

Lucinda Melrose

Created and Published: 10th August 2022