Downtown Area!

Darius continued to drive, every now and then an infected would rush the Hummer and ram itself into it. Soon, he made it out of the city area; he was heading to the downtown area at this point.

One may ask, why would he go there, it's just as packed as the main city square.

This was because he planned to get some food from the stores in the area. Darius was too much in a rush to get away when the infection broke out, he really didn't have time to think so much. But now, he could plan how he was going to get food without being overrun by infected.

Ahri wanted to start a conversation with Darius but she found that he really couldn't understand her. She really didn't want to interrupt him anyway while he was focused on driving, she could tell that he was somewhat of a novice at it.

Ahri decided to jump into the back seat area, she wanted to reload all of the guns that were used. She didn't forget to put the weapons all on safety to avoid any unexpected accidents.

Darius found that he could get lost if this went on too long. He knew the way but their best chances of surviving would be to find an army base of some sort.

"It looks like I'll have to find a GPS, they should sell them at an electronics store; I'll have to find one soon!" They were going to need something that could show them the way, at least it would help them find an army base to take refuge.

Darius could somewhat tell that these missions weren't too strict. This world was just the start, so the cube probably didn't give them something too hard, it was just to simply survive for 48 hours.

But still, World War Z is quite a tough place to survive in, these infected were practically homicidal maniacs. Darius couldn't count how many times an infected had Savagely rushed this vehicle, they seem so desperate to infect and turn people!

Time passed and Darius soon made it to the downtown area, it looked much more luxurious down here. This place is where rich people usually hung out, there were stores everywhere just like the uptown area.

Just at that moment—as he was looking at the scene before him, he heard tons of gunshots going off. Ahri was actually napping since Darius had been driving for about an hour and a half. She was suddenly spooked and woke up from her nap due to the shots.

"Sounds like someone is shooting a handgun. We're running out of gas and we can't afford to help anyone, this isn't even our world so it's whatever." Darius didn't bother to seek out whoever was shooting, he needed to get gas, food, and find an electronics store.

Things were going to get way worse soon, and he didn't want to be in the open when it happened.

Darius kept driving, he saw many crashed cars on the road, some even crashed into buildings. This was only the first day and it was already this hectic!? Right then, someone fired upon the hummer; this shocked Darius to the extreme.

"What the fuck! Are these idiots trying to kill us!?" Darius was enraged, he could see some people in a building some distance away. He couldn't see their faces but he knew they were trying to cause him and Ahri trouble.

"Korera wa warui hito ̄-tachidesu!" Ahri yelled. She was mad seeing people attack other people.

Darius didn't know what she said but he was sure it wasn't anything good about them. The bullets were actually aimed at the tires but the person shooting missed.

[Team Mission Unlocked]

Mission Name: Convicted Killers!

Mission Objective: Kill Human Hostiles! [0/6]


⋆ 500 Survival Points

⋆ 5.5 Attribute Points

Mission Note: This mission isn't required to complete; this is optional! These are human convicts that have escaped custody during the chaos, they are murderers!

"So, you give us a mission to kill real people?" Darius shook his head, he could in some way consider these people as nothing more than Npcs in all honesty. Ahri's expression changed when she saw the mission, she didn't look like she was taking it well.

The mission was a Team Side Mission so even if someone sat on their ass and did nothing—the other person could kill all the enemies alone and they would still share the credit.

"I can't believe this!" Darius was struggling, will he have to kill real people?

"Dariusu ni shimashou!" Ahri steeled her will and spoke up.

Darius continued to drive, he didn't understand her like always and decided to take cover behind a building. Happily, Darius could see a gas station close by, so that problem was solved.

There was also that building with those convicts, this building was also close by. It was clear that these convicts wanted to kill them and take their car for themselves.

These guys were using handguns, they must have taken them from the police at that time. These guys were clearly not very bright as their gunshots had attracted quite the amount of infected.

Darius sneered at their intelligence, but one must know that this is the first day, and not too many people understand these infected yet.

"Ahri, we'll attract too much attention if we drive over to them or to the gas station." Darius took a breath and continued. "We may have to split up. You'll go get the gas and I'll go take out those cons." Darius said.

Ahri looked at Darius confusingly, Darius shook his head and decided to get gas first. He knew he would need a way to flee when he killed those cons.

Darius talked big, but he was a nervous wreck; he honestly wanted to take back what he said and have Ahri go with him to kill those cons. He saw her confused expression and sighed in relief.

He wasn't anything special until he could get his hands on some abilities from that cube. Darius knew that once the time was up, they would warp out of this world and back into the black cube room.

The convicts were busy with the infected, so he took his time to slowly explain. It took about two minutes for her to catch on to what he was trying to do. Darius had to point to the gas bar, then he pointed to the gas station that wasn't too far away.

Fortunately for them, there were 2 gas jugs in the trunk of the car. The infected were distracted by the gunshots that the cons shot off so they were all rushing towards that building.

Darius could hear dreadful groans around the area, he also heard a few more gunshots. These guys might die before he could even kill them, at this rate! Ahri and Darius both exited the Hummer; the Hummer was very close to E, the meter was pretty much on it at this point.

As both of them were exiting the Hummer, an infected was passing by the alleyway Darius parked in to take cover. The infected were running towards the gunshots but when it saw Ahri and Darius exiting the car, its mouth started dripping saliva and blood profusely.

"Ahhrharrrg!" The infected turned savage and immediately started rushing the both of them, this wasn't all, another infected was right behind it and started rushing them as well!

Darius was panicked, he knew if he shot any gunshots it would alarm more infected. He had no choice, he had to kill it with his gun!

However, before he could do that, he heard a whistle through the air, and all of sudden the infected's head was penetrated. The infected dropped dead just like that, it turned out that this was Ahri, she used her bow and shot an arrow into its head.

She immediately pulled another arrow out of the quiver on her back and shot it towards the other infected, it had black nails that could easily infect anyone if they were scratched. Ahri's arrow was right on the mark; the arrow went right into its eye.

Blood spurted out of its eye like a fountain and it fell to the ground head first, causing the arrow to come out of the back of its head.

"Buruzuai!"Ahri said excitedly. Darius was dumbfounded for a minute and turned to her, she then gave him a thumbs up. She shot her arrows while standing near the hummer door, she posted herself there and killed 2 infected swift and silently, amazing execution!

Author Note: Buruzuai!=Bullseye

Ahri leaped down from the Hummer and walked over to the infected—taking the arrows out of both corpses.

"Thanks, now let's get this gas, quickly." Ahri nodded and both of them ran over towards the gas station. Darius walked cautiously toward the door, he needed to activate the gas machine from the actual store. The door was locked so he knew someone was definitely hiding inside, he peeked in and saw a man cautiously looking at the door from behind the counter.

Darius signaled with his eyes to open the door, but the man shook his and said go away. Darius couldn't hear what he said but he could read his lips. Darius took out a small piece of paper and a pen from his pockets; this was something he left in his pants pocket when he got out of school.

Darius wrote something on the paper and put it on the glass for the man to see. The man read the paper and nodded. Ahri was keeping watch as he wrote down what he needed to do. What Darius wrote was simple, he told the man to put Fifty on Two.

The man gave Darius the cue to let him know that it was complete. He began to load up gas into the gas jugs silently, as he looked around cautiously. There was no safe, this downtown area must have thousands upon thousands of infected running around, just where were they at this time?

Darius believed that they were deeper into the downtown area where they probably chased a lot of people down.

Soon, he filled the jugs up to the very top, the jugs were quite big and heavy now. The jugs could accommodate up to 12 gallons each so they had plenty. There was still some gas that could be used, it wasn't all used up. Then an idea came to Darius, he could use some beer or wine bottles to make Molotovs.

"Let's go load up the Hummer's gas tank first, then we'll come back to use the rest of the gas." Ahri nodded and helped Darius carry the gas jugs back to the Hummer one by one.

He was able to fill the gas tank with no problems. Fortunately, the glass didn't get shot when those guys were firing at them, or things would be pretty bad for them.

After filling up the gas tank, he put the Jugs back into the trunk. Infected were starting to pop up quite frequently now, it was about to get worse. Ahri would simply dispatch them with her bow but the numbers were growing.

Darius almost had to use his pistol when one of them tackle him and almost bit him. This scared the living daylight out of Ahri as she ran up to Darius and the infected; directly stabbing it in the head with an arrow at point-blank.

Darius thanked her and bowed, he knew this was how Japanese people showed their respects or greetings. For some strange reason, Ahri actually hugged Darius when he was confirmed safe. Darius didn't know what to say but he felt touched that someone he just met actually cared about him.

Ahri and Darius soon went back to the gas station, shots could be heard again at this point. Both of them found a lot of alcohol bottle in the trash, so they could make Molotovs. The man in the gas station really wanted them to leave, he didn't want those infected to notice him.

Darius and Ahri got their hands on 10 alcohol bottles. They fill them up with the remainder of gas and ran back to the Hummer. People got drunk a lot in the downtown area, and partied often so finding alcoholic bottle remains wasn't a problem.

The man who owned this car was a smoker, so there was a lighter inside of the vehicle for use. Darius's plan was simple, he would kill some infected and burn down the building those cons were in. Ahri was searching for cloth-like material inside the car and found some brand new socks that hadn't been opened yet, she would use this.

It was finally time to start their assault!

Darius drove towards the building where the shooting was taking place. He and Ahri were shocked, there were at least 60 infected trying to get into the building, they were slamming their head against the windows and climbing on top of each other just to get the people inside.

"Hehe, it time to complete my first true mission!" Darius laughed and said.