Darius and Ahri were relaxing in the backroom after they were done eating. At this time, Steve had already started driving the motorhome towards the airport, which was about an hour away. Ahri and Darius had learned that they could show each other their status page.
Darius showed her his status page and she was shocked to see his Attribute and Survival Points, didn't they have the same missions?
"Haha, I got a lot more points because I got two missions that appeared when you got hurt." Darius began to relay what happened. Ahri felt like she missed out seeing that he had so many points.
"Don't worry, you'll have plenty of chances to earn more points in the future." Ahri shook her head and told Darius that it was okay. Ahri opened her status window and moved it towards Darius with a swing of her hand.
|Name: Ahri Nozomi (Middle-level Injury) 🩸
|Race: Human
|Bloodline: N/A
|Innate Ability: N/A
|Vitality: 2.6/3.7 |Strength: 1.8|Dexterity 2.3 |Ability Power: 0| Stamina: 2.6 |Speed: 2.9 | Mental Stability: 1.6|
|Combat Techniques: Archery(Beginner) (M)| Hand to Hand(Beginner) (I)|
|Special Abilities: None|
|Passive Abilities: None|
|Attribute Points: 43.5 |Survival Points: 8,580
"What?" Darius was stunned looking at the status screen; she had two skills already! All of his stats were higher than hers, except Stamina and Mental Stability. Darius found it interesting that there was a blood drop near her name.
"What do those letters mean next to her name?" Darius could see that the letter "M" was next to Archery while the letter "I" was next to her Hand to Hand combat.
"I never would have guessed that she was good at fighting as well. Even though it's Beginner, it still better than having nothing." After thinking for a bit, he figured he would find out when he returned to the Cube room. But before he left this world, he wanted to get these people to safety.
Steve and his family were good people that he didn't want them to die, so he wanted them to make it to the ship before he left. At that time, they would be safe as the world health organization would soon find a solution to this breakout. Heck, Steve could even tell them what he said and his position may rise on the ship.
"I just need to get to that plane safe and sound for that to happen though." Darius knew that the place would be crawling with infected. He could drive the RV into the airport area where all the planes were but that would easily attract those infected. What he needed was a big distraction to draw them away.
"Sound, loud sound, this could work. Yes, if I were to get some loudspeakers then we could draw them away!" Darius's idea was quite simple; he would get some loudspeakers and use something to set a timer on whatever device he wanted to use for it. He could place them near the airport building and play some music.
"Hehe, Ahri, you rest up, I'll be right back." Ahri was puzzled and wanted to ask him something but she figured he wouldn't understand her, so she said nothing. Darius left the room towards the front where he saw Lara and Kara playing a game of cards. Further toward the front, Steve and Sarah were sitting in the front like always.
"I hope you guys don't believe that it's going to be easy to just get into that airport plane lot without attracting the attention of those infected," Darius said with a smile. There were only about seven hours or so left for him and Ahri to leave this world.
So, he had to make things quick or he would just disappear from here. Darius did see these people as NPCs but they were special NPCs.
"Y-you're right, how are we going to get in without causing a big fuss? Those things, like you said, have really good hearing." Sarah was worried; she knew it wasn't going to be easy. She was even more worried because of what she learned from Darius not too long ago.
"It's still night, and the sun will start to rise in about an hour. I recommend we go to an electronics store to grab some items." Darius had an idea; he was always a thinker, this was definitely so when he was pushed to the limit.
"The electronic store, what do you want from there?" Steve chimed in and asked. He was currently driving at the moment and couldn't help but ask. Sarah looked the same, she was also curious about Darius' plan.
"Simple, we'll be getting some speakers, some phones, a camera, and a drone if possible." The drone was for scouting purposes. They could attach a camera to the drone for scouting while using a chip to pretty much live stream everything from the sky with it. They could attach the other piece to the television to see what was going on in the area.
"Wow, this is perfect, I never thought of that!" Sarah was surprised and happy at the same time. This was the perfect idea. Sarah checked for electronic stores in the area and found that the store called Best Buy, was close by.
"Alright, I'm heading towards the Best Buy, it's only 24 minutes away from here." Steve nodded enthusiastically and steered towards Best Buy with the help of the GPS System. Just as Darius was about to walk off, he was asked another question.
"If you don't mind me asking, what do you plan to do with the phones of all things?" Sarah asked. She knew it would be useful if this guy needed it, but what was it for?
"We'll connect them to the speaker and set a timer on the phone. Once the timer goes off, some music will play loudly; many infected will be drawn to the sound as well." Darius had thought everything through, it was the only way to make it there in one piece.
Darius didn't dare believe that he could kill so many infected. Darius had already concluded in his thoughts that the infected were high in number at the airport.
So many people stuck in one place—without the ability to escape in such a crutched area? Someone's going to get infected no matter what, and it will continue to spread like the plague that it is!
"Ah, I understand! This is perfect; the perfect distraction!" She thought Darius's plan was to use the drone to scout the area so they could find a way to avoid them, but this plan was much better.
"What music are you planning to use?" Sarah questioned again. Darius's mouth twitched; this woman had too many questions!
"The Man In Gauze and after that we'll play a gun shooting sound which would surely attract them." Darius thought for a moment and said
Darius laughed when he thought about the song—The Man In Gauze, it was too funny!
"The Man In Gauze? What is that? I've never heard of a song like that before." Sarah confusingly said. Lines appeared on Darius's forehead; he really was done answering her questions.
"You'll know later." Once he said that he walked away. Darius walked away quickly in fear that she would ask another question.
He headed towards the table where Kara and Lara were and told them both about getting to a ship for safety. Lara sighed in relief hearing Darius's assurance while Kara didn't understand at all.
Once he was done saying what he wanted to say, he walked back into the room with Ahri. She had her eyes closed but she was still up and aware. Darius wanted to explain to her what he was going to do, but he felt it was a waste of time for someone who could barely understand English.
He sighed, it was going to get harder if she couldn't learn any English to communicate with him, maybe he should take the time to learn Japanese but that was too time consuming.
Darius decided to look at the Mystery Box Description, he hadn't had time to read before. He took a seat in the chair he slept in and pulled up the description of both items.
Mystery Box: One of the rare boxes. This box gives the opener a total of 3 to 4 items.
Wheel Of Fate Token: Spin the Fate Wheel for a chance of getting a powerful weapon, Abilities, Bloodline, etc!
Note: This can only be used after all 3 trial worlds have been completed.
"So that's how it is." It seemed that a lot of opportunities would arise for him once the 3 trials were complete. Darius knew that the worlds would more than likely get harder as time went on, but he would just have to get stronger if that was the case.
Darius closed his eyes to rest them. Time passed quickly and...
"Best buy is just ahead! We'll be pulling into the parking lot really soon." Lara came in and said.
"Oh, okay, here I come." Darius got up and walked out of the room with Lara but before he could leave, Ahri spoke up
"Dariusu, Be careful!" Darius paused and looked back at Ahri; he said "Of course" and left. At this time, Steve had pulled into the parking lot that had an uncountable amount of cars in it; there were purses and all sorts of junk scattered on the ground.
"Okay, let's get everything we need." Once Steve parked the RV, Steve, Sarah, and Darius were the ones that would go obtain the goods from the store.
Darius looked outside to ensure that the coast was clear, so they could so thing safely. He told Lara to stay inside the RV and watch over everything, they had the keys just encase.
The three slowly approached the store. At this point, the sun was rising but Darius and the rest that accompanied him had flashlights since the building was dark in some places. The store had some lights on but not all of them were on.
Once they got into the store, it was dead silent and clean, it was as if it was ready to be opened for business; as if this was another day of work.
"Okay, we'll stick together for safety," Darius waved his flashed light and spoke.
They had no problem with that and followed. Darius scanned over the place with his flashlight and saw many laptops sitting out on display.
Steve was carrying the black gym bag Darius had from back then for storing things. He hoped that there weren't any infected in here or it could be annoying to fire his loud gun.
"Grab some phones and other electronic equipment. The place you guys are going to will be a place you stay for a while and it could get boring waiting for things to blow over." Darius told them to grab batteries and many other things as they walked past every aisle.
Best Buy didn't have consistent aisles or any aisles at all in some places where things were. Time passed while they were in the store; he had confirmed that there were no infected in the store.
Darius and the group finally found a drone and some loudspeakers, they had to go out and back in to drop the things off.
After going back and forth for almost an hour, they were finally done. "Damn, it about time, let's get out of here, jeez!" Sarah complained and everyone couldn't agree more.
At this time, the sun was fairly high in the sky for many to see. As they were walking out of the Best Buy they saw three people approaching slowly.
"Oh, there are still some people around here?" Sarah looked down the street and exclaimed. Darius and Steve looked at the people. Steve scratched his head when he saw them, he didn't know what to say.
However, Darius frowned, he wasn't going to help anyone else or take anyone for that matter. This world was just too risky and dangerous with that virus going around; getting robbed was definitely something possible in this case.
"Over here, guys!" Sarah jumped up and waved her hands to the people. Darius face-palmed seeing this dumb move by her, he almost said shut up but held back. The three individuals looked over, but there was something strange about them. The three started running over with strange limps, they looked really desperate.
"What...the...?" Darius found their movements weird but once he got a good look at their faces due to them drawing closer, his heart sank! They had skeletal faces and eyes of madness, they looked like stiff robots moving quickly towards them, they were infected!
"Not good, get inside the RV, they're infected people!" Darius spoke with shock. Steve and Sarah's eyesight wasn't as good as Darius's, he could see their faces well from a certain distance.
"What!?" Sarah shook and ran to the RV as Darius and Steve had already done. The infected seemed to be picking up the pace after seeing them run, and even more so towards a vehicle that could give them cover.
They immediately ran into the RV after knocking like crazy. Lara naturally opened the door but it was slammed by Steve and locked by him.
"Get us out of here, let's head to the airport!" Steve was already on it.
"Go, Hurry!" Soon, they heard several people beating and slamming against the door! Darius looked out the window and noticed that there were more infected coming, a lot of them at that; was this a herd!?
"AH!" Lara looked out the window and was scared out of her wits, this infected had a terrible appearance that could scare anyone if they saw it. Steve pulled out and began to drive away, they chased as usual but was soon overcome by the speed of the RV.
Darius stepped over all the things they had gotten and walked towards the back to relax. Their final stop was the airport; he would help them, then he would go somewhere else to linger until they both ported out of this world.