The Laser Room!!

Once they went up the stairs, James issued Chad to check the room out. The room was pitch black but Chad had night vision goggles to see. He went into the room to cut the lights on which had gone out during the breakout.

After about a minute, he cut the lights on. Everyone entered the room and looked around. If you were to look outside the window, it looked like there was a city outside but this was only fake.

Everyone who arrived in the elevator with Darius and Ahri looked around with concern. "This really is the movie, could it be that we've really entered the resident evil world?" A middle-aged woman around 30 mumbled to herself. At that time, Chad forcefully opened another door with James, from the looks of it, this was an elevator that led to the lower floors in the center of the Hive base.

Chad took a flare from his bulletproof vest and dropped it down the elevator lift. The flare eventually landed on top of an elevator that appeared to be stuck in place. "I guess it looks like we'll be taking the stairs instead," Chad said

Everyone rushed to the stairs, all 17 people descended deeper into the hive. If anyone saw the movie, they knew that they were drawing closer to the part where the T-1 infecties would be freed soon.

One of the men that was sure that this was all real started to panic inside, he had the urge to speak up about what was soon to come but held back somehow.

Darius and Ahri were a little scared themselves but they had to do it since it was a mission. Soon, they came into a room with many little hallways and elevators. The place had been locked down to contain the viral infection, however, there was a crack in one of the glass windows on this floor that was leaking water.

Alice looked at James and asked. "What happened here?" Everyone looked at James with expectation.

"Five hours ago the red queen went homicidal, she sealed everyone down here and killed them all." James said

"Jesus!" Spencer said

"Once we found out what was happening, our team was dispatched here to shut her down." James really didn't know about the viral infection that had taken place here. He was, after all, a low rank inside the umbrella corporation so he was expendable to them.

"Why did she do it?" Alice was confused as to why the red queen would do such a thing. There had to have been a good reason for it. Alice then looked at Darius who said earlier that he knew more about what was going on here.

"You, you've been silent for some time, I was wondering, do you know what is going on here?" Alice slowly approached Darius who hadn't spoken to any of them since they first saw him.

Darius gave her a somewhat unsure reply: "Yes, we have reason to believe that a virus that your umbrella corporation had been experimenting with has gotten loose which caused the red queen to shut everything down." Darius's voice sounded deep underneath the helmet he was wearing, which made them unsure of his age and how he looked.

"A virus?" Everyone from the Umbrella squad looked at each other in silence. This did seem logical but for them, not likely.

"Umbrella is a business corporation, they wouldn't be experimenting with viruses which could do severe damage to the world." Chad and James couldn't believe this but Alice began to ponder about it. J.D. didn't say anything as he began to drink the wine he had bought with him that was inside his pocket.

"Well, my sources haven't failed me before, but if you don't believe it then there is nothing I can do." Darius gave Spencer a knowing look that didn't go unnoticed by everyone.

If anyone had seen the movie then they would know that he was the reason for all of this, it was due to his greed to sell the T-1 virus and become extremely rich.

"W-What are you looking at me like that for?" Spencer was concerned and asked, why did this unknown masked man look at him in such a way? Though they couldn't see Darius' facial expression, they could tell he had some sort of grudge against him, did they know each other? Spencer had suffered memory loss, so he couldn't remember what he did as of now.

"Nothing at all, let's keep pressing ahead and do what we came here to do." Darius still had to shut the red queen down. Suddenly, a woman appeared behind the glass who appeared to have drowned.

"Jesus!" Everyone jumped in fright when they saw her, including the people who had seen the movie before. Matt was still in handcuffs and wanted them off but who would do that? Spencer began to get closer to Alice and even offered her his coat which she didn't want but he insisted, so she took it.

Suddenly memories began to flash through her mind as she started to remember him.

Once everyone left the area, the woman woke up and touched the glass!

They walked fast and passed through a long hall until they reached a door. Everyone took cover on each side of the door before Chad put in some code that opened the door.

They had arrived in a room filled with huge test tubes with B.O.W in them! Darius already knew what type of B.O.Ws were in these chambers. The room's floor was quite foggy/misty which made this place even more spooky.

"Oh my god! We are going to freaking die!" The man from earlier finally began to freak out, he was scared out of his wits. How could he not know what was going to happen soon? The 17 years or so girl got closer to Darius and Ahri since she could tell they were somewhat experienced with this.

"This damn citizen! Shut up or we'll kill you!" J.D looked at the man in contempt, of course, he was just bluffing, they would save any survivors if they could find them.

This is what caused Rain to get bitten, it was due to her believing that the scientist was a survivor. The man felt a cold sweat run down his back and he shut his mouth, he was already scared.

Alice looked all around like everyone else did. "Captain, it says dining room B for some reason," Chad said

"Maybe you're reading it wrong." James went over to look at the minimap device Chad had.

"Oh, maybe the corporation has hidden a few secrets down here that they don't want you guys to know about." Matt, who was deemed as a prisoner, couldn't help but say, he was still cuffed which annoyed him greatly.

This also added to what Darius said recently.

James ignored him and gave his orders. "JD and Rain, stay here and watch the prisoner and exit until we return. As for these citizens, also keep a watch on them as well, no one leaves." They followed orders and decided to keep watch.

Darius looked at Ahri and nodded, she would stay as well and Darius would go with James' group.

"Sir, all levels are nonexistent in this room, it could be a system malfunction of some sort." The medic whose name was never confirmed in the movie said.

"Alright, there may be survivors, we can do a search line, but keep it tight, no splitting up," James said loud and clear.

"I'll be going with you guys, so don't mind me," Darius said bluntly. James nodded, he had no problem with that.

Darius ran off with James's group to the place where the "laser" room was located. Ahri then pulled out her magnum which was loaded and ready to go. She also put her Katana on her back for later use as well.

James' group and Darius made their way slowly through the test tube room. Alice had walked off to look into one of the test tubes which piqued her curiosity.

James slowly walked up to her without her knowing and also looked inside. Alice turned slightly and was startled to see James behind her looking into the tube as well.

"I said to keep it tight," James said in a low voice

"Ah, sorry." Alice said as she looked downward "I'm not sure I want to remember what went on down here." Alice had a bad feeling and didn't want to remember anything, but it was enviable so it would happen soon. They were still being silently watched by the red queen who already knew what they wanted to do.

They finally left in a group towards the red queen chamber, but the only way to get into this chamber was to go through the laser room! They had no idea what was going to happen to them if they were to enter there, they were, of course, destined to die.

Chad sat behind the desk in an attempt to break through the Red Queen's defenses but they were too high.

"What is taking you so long!" The medic couldn't help but ask. They had been standing in place for about 15 minutes watching him attempt to break the Red Queen's defenses.

"The Red Queen's defenses are not easy to get through, don't worry, it'll be done soon. She is making it difficult to get through." As soon as he said that, the camera flashed red and the door was opened.

Darius signed, he knew that the red queen purposely did this to draw them in for execution.

"Let's pack it up and do this." James packed the giant device which would deactivate which was put into a gym bag.

"Agent one, I think you should just have your men fix things up for you instead. They seem like people who could get the job done with ease." Darius suddenly spoke from the side. Alice had been watching him for some time and wanted to ask him more about the situation.

"They are competent and can get the job done without me, but to make things faster, I'll act as well." James just wanted to immediately shut her down and be done with this mission. Darius shook his head and said no more.

James cautiously walked into the room by himself and the lights suddenly came on by themselves.

"Don't worry, sir! The lights are automatic, there isn't anything to worry about." James nodded and called the rest of his crew in.

The medic woman and 2 others from his squad walked in while carrying the device that would shut her down by delivering a powerful electrical charge.

Once they walked in, the doors came down and blocked off the exit. The door to the queen's chamber also shut and began to lock itself, or should I say that this was the red queen's doing?

"Kaplan!" James called out. He and his crew began to back away due to the sudden lockdown.

"There is something wrong with the defense mechanism, it must have triggered when you opened the door." Kaplan was trying his best to unlock everything, but was getting nothing but errors!

"Bring it back to sleep." James was a bit worried and didn't know what to expect. Suddenly the alarm on the CPU went off with a Level 5 alert!

One of the men in the laser hallway looked over and exclaimed: "What is that?"

"Kaplan, you've got to hurry and get them out of there!" Alice said in a panic.

"I'm trying!" Chad began to do the best he could to shut it down but nothing was working.

Suddenly, right as the man in the laser hallway asked his question... a blue light flashed. The laser had formed and began to rush toward the group within the chamber at max speed! This was obviously the laser weapon that had been activated by the Red Queen.

"Get down!" Everyone dropped to the floor but the medic wasn't so fortunate, she wasn't paying attention!

"Oh my god! medic, medic!" James called out to the woman because he saw that one of his men had gotten his fingers cut off by the laser.

The Medic didn't respond and stood in place, but suddenly a blood-line appeared on her neck, then her head fell off!

"Hurry up Kaplan, get them out of there!" Alice was shocked and started to panic more seeing the death of the medic.

"I'm Trying!" Kaplan was trying the best he could but it wasn't working no matter what he did!

"My God, it's coming again!" One of the men exclaimed.

Suddenly the laser came out again but was lower toward the ground. When it got closer, the man jumped but the laser immediately went upward and through the man's chest! James jumped up and grabbed the ceiling and evaded the laser successfully.

However, another laser flashed and came towards James again. He thought he could dodge this one, but it suddenly turned into a net-like shape with many squares on it. This was simply something no one could dodge!

"Shit!" James said his final word.

"I got it!" Once he said that—it was already too late. Alice watched as James slowly fell apart into checkerboard-like pieces.

AN: Kaplan=Chad

Kaplan got up and looked into the room with silent horror on his face. Kaplan looked around cautiously and picked up the bag that was meant to disable the red queen, surprisingly it had not sustained any damage through all of that.

Alice walked up from behind Kaplan and touched his shoulder which startled him. The door to the queen's chamber slowly opened. Darius had no plans to follow them inside, this was a free mission complete for them without them having to do anything.

"Are you coming?" Alice asked Darius

"I'll wait here for you guys, you don't have to worry about me." Darius wasn't going in there, he didn't have to do anything.

He just came to see the show, he believed he must get used to this type of thing if he wanted to survive. He wanted to stop James from going in earlier, but he felt that he might prove troublesome later so he didn't say anymore.

"Okay, we'll be back soon." Alice then turned a walked into the chamber with Kaplan.

Darius waited a moment, and suddenly the power in the hive shut down!

"It looks like things are about to get ugly!" Darius smiled faintly.