Facility Lab!

Darius, Ahri, and his group decided to explore the stairway; the stairs were made out of metal, and it was a spiraling staircase. The man that was causing trouble from before had his weapons confiscated by the man in green.

He was also tied up with rope and left behind.

"It's dark down here, does anyone have a flashlight on them?" Darius squinted his eyes in the dark but couldn't make things out down here.

"I got one." The woman quickly pulled out a flashlight from her storage pouch. She flashed it around the room that revealed several old machines with dust on them.

"What is this place, what do these machines suppose to do?" The man in green was curious and asked. He walked over towards one of the machines and blew the dust on it—sending a cloud of dust flying into the air.

"Look to be generators of some sort, maybe if we can get them working the lights should come on down here." Darius couldn't see anything down here, and one flashlight wasn't going to do the job.

"It's no telling how old they are, so they might not come on, but it's best to try anyway." Ahri agreed, and so did everyone else.

Darius was the one trying to get it started; the woman with the flashlight would flash the light in spots he needed her to. The generator seemed old, but from Darius's inspection with the use of his Scan ability, it wasn't really that old.

After trying to start the generator for about 5 to 10 minutes, it came on. It was loud, but once it came on the power came on; revealing everything.

"Hmm, this thing's kinda loud, don't you think?" The man in green frowned and expressed his worries.

"Are you expecting company down here of all places?" Darius understood his worries, but he would rather be able to see his enemy than being attacked in the dark.

"Who knows at this point?" The man sighed and looked around the room. The room was plain white with dust everywhere. The most noticeable thing here was a door that led further into the facility; they obviously couldn't stay here so they wanted to explore further.

Ahri looked at Darius, they both had their weapons ready for any trouble if any was down here.

"Talk about expecting company." The man green shook his head and decided to lead the way. The door was actually a passage hatch door, so he had to apply force to turn the large hatch.

The man in green seemed to have a decent amount of strength, as he was able to rotate the hatch with little effort. He didn't push the door open right away, instead, he looked back at everyone else before nodding.

The man in green was using an AK-103 as his choice of weaponry. The woman they were with pulled out her weapon, she was currently using a 12 Gauge Shotgun with a 6 shot slide saddle holding shotty shells!

"What?" The woman noticed Darius looking her way.

"Nothing, let's do this." Darius looked away, right after.

The man in green forcefully pushed the door open and walked in, he was followed by Darius and the rest. The lights were on, so they could see the whole facility and what was inside. Looking around the room, they saw no hostiles, aka, Dinosaurs.

The man in green walked forward and noticed that they were high up somewhere. He looked down and saw many strange machines and machinery he had never seen in his life.

"What is this place, some sort of science lab or something?" The man in green was at a loss.

"You can say that—you should probably watch more movies, series, and more. If you don't learn these things, I'm afraid you won't last long because of your ignorance." Darius walked by his side and looked on.

This was indeed a lab, it was abandoned, though.

"I...I guess I better do that when I get back, do you have any suggestions?" The man in green scratched his forehead, he had always relied on someone else's knowledge to survive until now.

"Plenty, but that can be for later, we need to survive first." Darius contiuned to look around the large room.

"Just what is this place, where are we anyway?" The woman and Ahri had also come forward to see the lab below, you just needed to walk down a few stairs to get down there.

"It's an Embryonic Lab, it's one of the places where the Dinosaur are created by cloning, hatching, and where they'll be taken care of until later." The Lab was rundown and dirty, there were Dinosaur Fetuses in a few testing tubes.

These were abandoned experiments from what Darius could speculate.

"So it was like that, they would clone these creatures to create them. So it must have a source, it should come from Dinosaur they found long ago, and they were able to extract DNA, right?" The man in green asked.

"Well...that's actually right!" Darius nodded.

"Okay, enough of your nerd ranting, what are we going to do? Shouldn't we check this place out to see if it's safe?" The woman's face twitched, there was no time for them to be having this conversation.

Ahri only chuckled in response.

"Okay, let's go check it out." Darius didn't ponder on it and thought this was the correct approach. They all walked down the stairs to enter the lab; if Darius found this place to be safe, he wouldn't have a problem staying here.

However, they would still need food and water to survive their time here. Darius was definitely going home after this world, he was done exploring anymore new worlds, for now!

Ahri and Darius were in a group while the other 2 branched off to check things out. They both discovered several broken eggshells from hatched Dinosaurs in the past. There were some that didn't even get to hatch fully, as it appeared they died before they could fully hatch.

"This place is creepy, I don't like it here." Ahri felt chills, this place wasn't appealing in the least to her.

The creepy lab experiment scenario played out a lot in her mind; this place was old, dusty, and filled with Dinosaur reminisce of the past—for example, those creepy fetuses in test tubes.

"I understand but this place is our best shot of surviving this crazy Island filled with Dinosaurs." There was also an increase in carnivores, so the place was much more dangerous than usual.

"Sigh, I know," Ahri said in a downcast tone, she knew this but she still disliked it.

"Come, let's check over there." Darius led the way and Ahri followed closely behind him. Darius saw many computers, he pushed a few buttons but none of them came on; except one.

"Oh, it worked." Darius actually sat down and started to skim through the computer. There was plenty of information but he couldn't access most of it since he needed a password.

"Ah, that's right, this place is called Isla Sorna!" Darius finally remembered after seeing some of the information on the computer.

"Isla Sorna?" Ahri's expression turned strange, but it did sound like a Dinosaur like Island name.

The computer showed many titles that would activate a simulation, to be exact, a Dinosaur simulation. A list of Dinosaurs popped up, these were apparently Dinosaurs they had cloned or created with Dinosaur DNA.

Darius saw the list of Dinosaurs and even the number of Dinosaurs they had cloned for each one. The numbers were small, ranging from 4 to 16 for each Dinosaur type— with the T-Rexes having a cloning number of 6.

However, it should be more of them at this point with all the breeding going. Darius started the simulation/video and it showed the growth rate of these Dinosaurs; the result shocked Darius and Ahri!

"Don't they grow up a little too fast!" Darius started to sweat, then just how many of them were there now?

He stood up and shut the computer off, he wanted to see more personal information but he had no access to such things. Darius gazed over at Ahri, he could see that she was somewhat visibly shaking from what she had seen; he was no longer a stranger to her fear of Dinosaurs at this point.

Darius touched her shoulder and stated that everyone was going to be alright. He said that we've escaped the clutches of many dangerous and life-threatening situations and that this one should be no different.

Darius was, in fact, nervous himself but fear made people do stupid things sometimes, so it was best to push the fear away and persevere. Ahri took several deep breaths before thanking Darius for everything; he felt he should be thanking her, she had saved him many times during World War Z.

Darius quickly remembered the situation and upped his guard, he hadn't heard from those two in a minute.

"Where are the others, I haven't heard from them in a while, why haven't they come over yet?" Darius narrowed his eyes and looked into the direction they walked into.

"Let's go check it out," Darius spoke slowly, as sweat trickled down the side of his face. Ahri held her Tweaked Magnum tightly and followed Darius.

Darius had his Buck Knife ready to use if anything lunged at him. If he was—by some means unable to react in time. It was quiet, a little too quiet; this caused them both to worry as they advanced onward.

They took silent footsteps, well, Darius was the quiet one; this wasn't the same for Ahri. Darius had Dead Silent, so no one would notice him, not even the most sensitive creature. Ahri would double-take behind her to be sure they weren't being followed.

The paranoia was killing her!

They kept advancing deeper into the facility, the place was bigger than Darius had thought. They were no longer in the lab, but a new area he had never seen in the movies. There were cages in this area; once they walked in they saw a button that was glowing green.

This button must have been pushed recently by someone!



Darius lifted his arm up with his fist clenched, hint Ahri to stop! His expression darkening from the nasty crunching sounds! Darius peeked around the corner and his heart nearly escaped his body at the first sight of it!