Training begins...

<3 Days ago>

"Raise the daggers higher, you are too slow, no block upwards. Come on One, you will not be able to do anything at this rate. You will eat when you can block my incoming blows and not before then." For the past three hours Zero has been training Sarah on basic combat with daggers, she has been cut over and over again unable to block any of the incoming attacks. Every time she gets to hurt to move, Zero heals her with his blood and they continue on. "No, you are getting the timings all wrong, you need to forget that the daggers even exist, you must treat them like an extension of your arm not an object. Continue on the training dummy while I discuss something with Maggy."

Zero moved away from One and asked"" Maggy has she comprehended enough to get the dagger mastery skill?"

*Not yet Master Zero, ah wait it just came through, I suggest you look at the training doll behind you. While we are speaking, more information on the mission you accepted has come through, it is a hostage situation and the Police believe that it is a Mutant extremist that is holding the hostage and are afraid to act without a Mutant of their own.*

"Of course they are afraid of the big bad Mutant, I'm going to assume that it is actually the other way around and a Mutant was being experimented on and escaped, leading us to our current situation. Let's see what the little one has managed to do" He looked behind him and saw that One had managed to 'murder' the training dummy, it had lost it's arms and its head while its chest had been broken in by the force of the dagger hitting it, Zero smiled for a split second before returning to his neutral form.

He walked up to One and lightly tapped her on the back of the head and said" You have done well, three more hours training with me then we will go for food and start our first mission, if you fail the mission then we part ways there. I have a reputation to uphold and you will either expand my legend or leave before you can tarnish it, it is nothing personally little one. I need the reputation of a god of death to achieve my own goals as well as deal with Micheal's vendetta."

One nodded her head and took a few breathes to recover form her exhaustion before saying " I understand, I will not let you down, I'm ready to start right now." Zero pricked his finger with the tip of his scythe and let One drink some of his blood before they continued training. This time round One kept up with Zero, she was unable to block all of his blows but she was able to deflect some of them and even countered a few of them with her own lunges.

Happy with how things were progressing Zero took One out for food like he had promised on route to their mission location, Zero knew that no other mercenaries in the city wouldn't dare try a take a job he had taken as they would know that they had just as much chance of surviving than the the ones he was sent to kill. As they approached a colourful food stand that seemed to be selling American street food, Zero whispered to One" If anyone tries to do anything to you in this town, simply say Glory in life and Honour in death, understood?"

One nodded her head and asked" What does that mean?"

Zero laughed at the question and said" It is the code that I follow and it is what I carve into my enemies once I have killed them in a fair fight. Otherwise they get a Zero carved into them like the man at the orphanage, I believe we should all seize glory while we live and die in an honourable way. It also lets the people in this town know that you belong to me and doing anything to you is a threat and attack at me. Here is some money, go and get yourself some food, I do not eat before a mission."

As One approached the stall the Human vendor saw the scars on her body and asked" Are you a Mutant? We do not serve your kind here."

Stunned one had no idea what to do, she turned to look to Zero for help but the space where he was standing was empty. She then calmed herself and looked at the vendor and said" You will serve me now or my master will pay you a visit soon!"

The woman laughed and tapped the side of her stall and a large Mutant wearing no shirt and ripped jeans, he looked the girl up and down and said" You should leave now, I'm payed good enough money to kill you were you stand if you do not." He then ripped his thumb off his left hand and the blood that poured out of the wound began to form a battleaxe on the floor, the Mutant bent down and swung the axe with his right arm as if to show it off to One.

One silently stood there and drew her daggers, she thought that Zero knew that this was going to happen and that is why he gave her the code, it was a get of jail free card in case she can't win this fight. She slowly circled the man, she knew that she couldn't compare with him in the strength department so she would use her speed instead to deal precise and quick blows. To her surprise however the man was faster than she thought, he launched himself at her and swung his axe diagonally down at her head.

One barely manged to deflect the axe using her daggers, she then slipped past the man slit his right side open with her daggers as she passed, the man smiled and feigned a downward strike before changing his direction at the last second and swiping across One's body, the change in direction caught One out and her daggers were thrown from her hands, in her panic she felt her body's temperature begin to fall rapidly and a small amount of frost covered her skin.

As the man approached to land the killing blow her entire body became encased in an ice like armour that took the blow for her, the ice however slightly cracked at the point of impact. Confused as to what was happening to her One screamed" Glory in life and Honour in death."

The man instantly stopped his diagonal strike and dropped the axe he then fell to his knees and begged" Why did you not say you were with Zero? I would have let you go if you had, I'm so sorry, please do not tell your master about this."

Before he could say anything else he was struck in the right arm by the handle of a scythe, Zero walked up to One and said" Although you lost quite convincingly, I'm proud that you took the fight to him regardless and due to this I will have Maggy explain what just happened to you while I deal with our friend and his master."

*One what you just experienced was the results of you levelling up, you have been added to a system that was designed to train and help Zero's army when he decided to make his move. Micheal had all of the children in the orphanage added to the system in case something were to happen to him. I will now show you the skills and abilities you have unlocked by becoming a level one solider."

One's Status

Name: One

Age: 16 (Can Age)

Stat's: Strength: C Agility: S Dexterity: S Endurance: A Magic: S Charisma: C


Vengeful Mutant: The host's desire for vengeance has affected their mutations, making them more aggressive, this can lead to multiple classes, skills and abilities to unlock when this class levels up.

Zero's Chosen: The first Zero has chosen to inherit his teachings and skills through the system, as a result the host will gain extra power and experience when fighting alongside Zero. As the Class grows so do the experience and power benefits.

Ice Queen: Your cells have mutated to contain an icy property within them, this property can be deployed as armour when in need and can also be summoned to form spears or daggers to fight you enemies with. This class will also unlock other skills and abilities as it levels up.

Skills: Dagger Mastery: C (0/6,000 Exp) Ice manipulation: D (0/4000) Body of Ice: D (0/4000)

Abilities: Snow Veil: C (0/6000) The Queens's Spear: C (0/6000)

Skill and Abilities explanation:

Dagger mastery: A measure of how well the user can use a Dagger as a weapon, higher levels indicate that the user can use it as if it were an extra limb.

Ice manipulation: Your mutations give you the ability to bend Ice or Snow to your will, you can use it to create weapons, shields and armour. You can also move instantly to any area with Ice or snow present. You may gain additional abilities as the skill levels up.

Body of Ice: When in danger the ice within your body will cover you will a protective layer of ice that is dense enough to break steal. You are also immune to the effects of cold weather such as frostbite.

Snow Veil: The user is able cover an area with a large amount f snow, this snow slows down an enemies in it while giving any allies a speed boost. More negative effects for enemies are unlocked as the ability levels up as well as being able to cover a larger amount of space.

The Queens's Spear: A spear you can summon that will be made out of never melt Ice, it will be able to pierce steal and as the skill levels up it will deal more damage and also be able yto apply negative buffs to enemies.

"So Zero was trying to make me level up? It was not a test but rather a way to make me stronger so I can be more of a help to him? I'm glad that in his own weird way he is trying to keep me around"

*It does not suit Zero's profile to spend an entire day training someone., it is safe to say that he sees you like a daughter and wants to help you in every way possible. Thats what I conclude anyway, I will continue to explain things to you as Zero cleans up. I assume he wants you to be able to use your powers at will before we take on the mission*

While Maggy and One were having a polite conversation, Zero was staring down a policewoman that was called here to protect the store vendor. He smiled at the officer and said" Do you know who I am?"

She looked at him seriously and said" No one is above the law, You are under arrest for fighting in public and threatening the life of a Human."

Zero smiled and said" You must be new to the city, I am the law here and what I say goes, that women will die for being a racist cow and this mutant here will survive because he stopped as soon as he heard my code. She on the other hand attempted to get me and ward arrested because she like most of the police force are racist bigots but hey at least I can stand idiots like you up."

"Do not move or I will open fire on you, I will shoot to kill." The police officer then pulled out her pistol and aimed it directly at Zero's head. As she was debating whether to pull the trigger a scream was heard behind her, she turned around to see Zero with a scythe around the store vendors neck, she screamed" I told you not to move"

From behind her a voice rung out" But miss police lady, I didn't move I'm still right here like you demanded. I'm the law here and my Name is Zero and do not forget that, by the way that woman there was one of the people behind the death of several mutant children at a nearby orphanage. You maybe wondering how I know that, well its because I know the organisation that was payed to do the hit and well like I said, I'm the law."

The second 'Zero' then cut the woman's head clean off and said" There was no glory in your life and you died without honour, may your god save you." He then vanished and so did the Zero standing behind the the police officer....