
What followed Luo Xiaolei's unexpected action was a deep and awkward silence. The invisible noisy Mr. Crow even flew above them, singing noisily.  

But after a short while, Zaki's surprised expression slowly changed into something mischievous. He glanced at the girl who had quickly buried her face on Yu Chen's shoulder, obviously hiding her face, before his gaze travelled down to her arms on Yu Chen's neck. 

His gaze then fell on Yu Chen's face and the corner of his lips lifted. 

He remained silent as he watched Yu Chen's eyes stayed wide for another while until he finally moved his hands underneath her legs, which were already clamped tightly around his waist, to make her comfortable.

The sight of them gradually turned Zaki's smile into a wide grin and his even sparkled as though he had just found something extremely interesting.

When Yu Chen finally looked at him, Zaki cleared his thoat.