Dream (Part IV)

The little girl was protesting as she was being carried by the boy like a sack on his shoulder. 

"Hey, big bro, please put me down! Where are you bringing me?" she tried wiggling but the boy was strong and it seemed like he had no plans to listen to her. He never spoke. When he saved her a while ago, he didn't even give her the chance to see his face clearly.  

Her bag was dangling from the other hand as he walked. The girl didn't stop protesting while the boy remained as if he was deaf and mute. 

When he finally put her down after more than thirty minutes of hiking, the little girl was surprised to see that she was already at the end of the woods, only a few hundred meters behind their house. She could see their backyard from there and it might only take five minutes to hike down to reach their house down there.