Dream (Part XI)

It was raining again when little Xiaolei arrived at the watchtower. It was eerily quiet. When she began to step towards the ruin, a wolf appeared before her. 

That wolf was one of the wolves that almost ate her the first time she saw Chen. She was Chen's pet and Xiaolei had grown a liking to her since the day Chen let her touch her. 

She even named her Big Gray because of her dark gray fur. 

"Big Gray!" Xiaolei didn't know why but she was suddenly emotional when she saw her. The wolf walked towards her, dragging her feet, making sad, whining noises. 

When Xiaolei realized that the wolf was wounded, she knelt down and worriedly checked its leg. It appeared that her leg was shot. 

Little Xiaolei teared up, looking at the wolf's horrible wound. Wiping her tears, the determined little girl, used the wolf's sharp fang to tear the edge of her shirt and used the cloth to wrap up Big Gray's wound.