For what?

It was already noon when Luo Xiaolei opened her eyes. The bright light made her shut her eyes from the glare as she lay there with her arm across her eyes. There was something that was struggling to break into her consciousness. Perhaps, a dream trying to be remembered. 

Still groggy and dazed, Xiaolei moaned and rolled to her side. She felt like this was the longest sleep she had ever taken for a long time now. She felt satisfied, as if she finally made up from all those sleepless nights. 

When she slowly looked around the room, Xiaolei creased her brows. No one was inside. She could see her bed across her. Wait… that's my bed, why am I…

Xiaolei's eyes widened as soon as she realized that she was in Yu Chen's bed. And then, the previous day flooded back into her awareness. 

"Yu Chen!" she gasped, eyes-wide.