Do your best

"It wasn't… it wasn't a coincidence." Yu Chen didn't hesitate to answer. He was gazing at her thoughtfully, carefully watching her expressions. 

Luo Xiaolei gazed back at him, a million questions in her eyes. 

"You attended the party to see me?"


"Were you looking for me?"

He nodded. 

"How long have you been looking for me before you found me that night? Kyuu said that you three went abroad after leaving Snowflake village." 

Yu Chen was surprised with her last sentence. "You…" he uttered as he looked at her with widened eyes. 

"Mm. I finally remembered everything. You brought me there that day because you wanted me to remember you, right?" 

Suddenly, Yu Chen's expression grew somber. His eyes intent on her face as the silence lengthened. 

Xiaolei raised her hand and touched his face. "The accident made me remember all the memories I lost."