I can't wait

The video clip started with a scene of what appeared to be a fatal car accident. A flashing lights of ambulance and police cars appeared next as a dramatic, captivating and soulful melody began. A girl was laid on the white hospital bed before the video focused in the girl's beautiful eyes which were closed. And then, there was total darkness. A second later, a light appeared and gradually swallowed the darkness. The girl's lashes fluttered like ethereal butterfly wings. She woke up in what appeared to be a magical forest. She blinked in slow motion as she looked up and stared at the falling snow before the video shifted above the trees before a word was then written on the blue sky –"Dream". Xiao Mimi's name then appeared next, followed by Star Castle's logo before it ended. 

"How was it?" Yu Chen asked and Xiaolei smiled at him. Her eyes were welling as she hugged her husband. 

"It's beautiful." Was all she said. "I just hope people will like it."